One More to the Team!

Start from the beginning

"So. does it feel being a full-time super hero now? Ladybug sure seems to trust you enough to give you a miraculous." Trying to break the ice I look over at the snake as he leans against a pillar.

"It's pretty exciting to be honest. It's an honor to be chosen by Ladybug to even be in her presence let alone fight side by side with her. I'm glad she trusts me with all of this." Viperion casually says as his eyes land on me.

"You admire her don't you." I try not to let jealous seep out with my words as I lean into a pillar across from him. Does he like M'Lady the same way I do?

"Of course I do. She is an amazing beautiful girl who is brave and selfless. Risks her life to save others and I believe without a doubt that she shows those same attributes in her everyday life as well." He smirks, as if thinking of something as he says it.

"If I didn't know any better I would have thought you had a crush on Ladybug haha." Well I tried to keep it cool.

"Don't get me wrong, she's an incredible girl but I have eyes for someone else. Someone much more special and amazing than Ladybug." The whole time he speaks he holds my eyes with his as if testing me. As if trying to tell me something. How can anyone be better than Ladybug herself, she is the most amazing person I have ever met, who else puts other before her, well Marinette does but there is no way she is my bugaboo. That snake is crazy.

"Well it's getting late and I have school so night Chat!" Before I can get a chance to even register what he said he was already gone. Hm mysterious guy, pretty cool.

Rena Rogue's POV

After Ladybug says her goodbyes she leaps of the Eiffiel Tower without a second glance. I say goodbye to the boys leaving them alone so I can catch up with her. Maybe she'll let me give the Miraculous to Nino or at least be there when she does give it to him. Leap from building to building, I manage to catch up to her before she rounds another corner.

"Hey LB!! Wait up!." I take a huge leap to shorten the space between us, she hears me and stops before swinging onto a lamp post causing me to almost crash into her.

"Woah girl. Quick reflexes haha." I catch myself before knocking Ladybug over. She has a confused look on her face.

"Aly- I mean Rena Rogue what's wrong?" Oh damn she almost slipped nice to knoe that even LB can struggle with keeping things under wraps.

"Hey LB I was wondering if I can go with you to give Nin- to give Carapace his miraculous since I know who he is....he is my boyfriend after all..." Why am I rambling for? I sound like Marinette right now. Is it because I'm talking about Nino? How embarrassing. Looking at Ladybug I see a soft smile on her face as I finally stop talking.

"Of course. I would love to have you there. I wouldn't have it any other way." LB places her hand on my shoulder smiling brightly at me. She motions for me to follow her to Nino's house and of course there he is, playing video game, like always.

We both look carefully around before we make our way to his home, I stay on the look out while Ladybug taps on the window before climbing in, with me right behind her. Nino didn't notice us at first but almost jumps out of his seat when he sees us. He knocks over his controller but manages to catch it before it crashes to the floor.

"L-Ladybug! Alya!? Oh shit...I mean Rena Rogue? What are you guys doing here." My boyfriend straightens and casually goes tk lock the door so no one would see us.

"Nino Lahiffe. I've chosen you to handle the turtle miraculous before, now will you do me the honor and protecting not only Paris, but Wayz as well along with your identity. To permanently hold on this and help us when the time comes?" Ladybug asks as she holds out the ancient box to him.

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