Chapter 1: Hitoshi's Confession

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It was after school at UA, Hitoshi Shinsou, instead of heading back to the dorms, was heading to the outdoor training area. Hitoshi was supposed to be meeting Shouta Aizawa there for their weekly training sessions, but Hitoshi got a little distracted.

"Mom? What the hell are you doing here?"

"What? I can't drop by and say hi to my son?"

"Mom, you're a villain on a hero school grounds, someone could see you-"

"And? They won't be able to catch me. I told you, the only Pro Hero I will allow to take me down is you."

"I know, you tell me everytime... Just-Just go, I don't want Aizawa Sensei seeing you.."

"Ooooh, Eraserhead's here. I forgot he gave you special training cause UA's Entrance Exams are fucked." Hitoshi growled low and Kijo put her hands up in surrender. "Alright, alright, I'll go. Give me a hug and kiss goodbye though." Kijo smirked at her son opening her arms for a hug. Hitoshi merely rolled his eyes hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"I love you.. Now come on, go.." Hitoshi muttered out pulling away from his mom, Kijo only sighed softly.

"I love you too Hitoshi.." With that she made her way out of the school grounds. Hitoshi let out a sigh as he continued on his way.


"You're late Shinsou."

"Only by two minutes.."

"Two minutes late to the scene and the civilians could be dead and the villain escaped already. What was so important that it couldn't wait until after our session?"

"It..It was nothing Sensei, I just got distracted by a classmate. It won't happen again.." Hitoshi answered, he couldn't tell Aizawa he let a villain on the school grounds and get away without calling someone. Aizawa raised a brow not really buying it but he really didn't want to let this session go longer than it should.

"It better not, I don't want to waste my time if you're not willing to put the effort in to be on time, Shinsou. Let's get started." With that the two began their training session.


The two had been at it for a few hours now, Hitoshi had been off his game the entire time and Aizawa had enough.

"Alright, Shinsou, stop." Shinsou stopped looking confused, "What happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been off the entire time and I'm tired of it, what happened that's distracting you right now?" Aizawa crossed his arms stern but concerned look in his eyes. Hitoshi tensed a little, had his mood really been affecting his training that badly? Crap..

"It.. um.. Well.." How was he supposed to put it into words? 'Sorry I've been distracted, my villain mom gave me a visit and it's just messing with me.' Hell he could get expelled!

"Kid!" Shinsou was pulled from his thoughts when he felt his Sensei grab his shoulders looking him in the eye. "Whatever happened you can tell me. You are my student and it's my job to help you." Aizawa assured him, "Now what happened before you came to our session?"

Hitoshi took a breath before looking him in the eye, "Just.. Promise you won't expel me.. Please.. I need to become a hero.."

"You know I can't do that but, I'll see what I can do." Shouta grew more concerned, what was so bad that Hitoshi felt he could get expelled for it?

"My mom.. She visited me on my way here. That's why I was late.."

Shouta grew confused, "Why would I expel you over that?"

"Because.." Hitoshi hesitated a moment before just letting it out, "Because she works with the League of Villains..!"

Silence fell over the two Shouta letting go of Hitoshi tears forming in the boy's eyes, "She goes by Saeko, she's worked with them since before I was born.. I grew up with them, they're my family. I know what they do is wrong, that's why I want to be a hero." Hitoshi began to tremble as he continued, "My mom always supported me with it even though she knew what that would mean for everyone. Tomura, All for One, Kurogiri, they hated me for wanting to become a hero but my mom was the one person that encouraged me." Tears fell down his face like waterfalls as he explained, "She tells me every time we see each other that I'm the only hero she'll allow to take her down. I-I have to become a hero Sensei.. I'm sorry that I've been distracted, I'm sorry I didn't call for anyone when she was on the school grounds, it's just.. She may be a villain, but she's still my mom. She's the one person in my life that's always loved me no matter what I did!"

Hitoshi finally let it out, all his feelings he's kept locked away since he began going to UA, he felt like shit for crying but it felt so good to finally get it off his chest, but now he might get expelled.. His chest felt like it was tightening up, he felt his body begin shaking more, fuck why was this happening?

"Hitoshi." Shouta set his hands on the boy's shoulders once more, a bit more gentle this time. "Hitoshi breath with me." The two took a moment taking a couple deep breaths which started to calm Hitoshi down a bit. "Feel a little better?" Hitoshi nodded in response, he felt a little better but couldn't quite find his voice yet. "Good.." Shouta gently turned the boy to meet his gaze and continued, "Many pros have faced Saeko, as you probably already know, she's always gotten away at the last second." Hitoshi grew confused, what was Aizawa getting at?

"She may be your mother, but she's murdered innocent civilians without a second thought-" Shouta was interrupted as Hitoshi pushed him away harshly.

"No she hasn't! You're thinking about everything All for One has pinned on her!!" Hitoshi shouted at him.


"No! I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you tell me my mother has killed innocent people! She may be a villain but she's a mother too!!" Hitoshi held a harsh glare as he continued. "She knows what it's like to lose everything she loved and have nothing but herself to depend on! She's told me the story a million times, heroes turned away and ignored her but the villains helped her when she needed it most! The only reason she hasn't turned them in is because she feels like she owes them her life!! I probably wouldn't even be here without them and I'm still trying to be the thing they hate most in the world!!" Hitoshi snapped at Shouta, normally he wouldn't even consider snapping at his own teacher but he couldn't stand hearing him talk so lowly of his mother, villain or not. "If I can become a hero and take down the league, maybe I can help her to start to turn her life around.. She's only a villain because she feels she has to be. So please, let me continue at UA so I can help her." Hitoshi finished, his cold stare not leaving his teacher for a second, Shouta was a bit taken back. After a moment of silence between the two Shouta finally spoke.

"I can't promise anything. In the eyes of authorities, Saeko is dangerous and can not be trusted free." Hitoshi looked down as he figured he knew where this was heading. "But, I trust you, and I want you to succeed because I know you have great potential."

"So.. You're not gonna expel me..?"

"Though it goes against what we're supposed to do with this type of information, this conversation stays between us. I only know the Saeko version of your mom, I don't know the one you do. I can see if I can work out a deal with other pros subtly over time if you truly believe she would want to change, I'll see what I can do." Hitoshi smiled small and nodded.

"Thank you Sensei."

"Don't thank me yet kid.."

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