Part 2

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Hyunjin woke up realising that he just slept with his room mate. "FUUUUUUK" he yelled making Seungmin fall of the bed.

"WHAT THE HELL" he yelled back. Hyunjin blushed and apologised.
"Why scream?" Seungmin asked.
"I slept with you"
"That it really?" He sighed
"Hyunjin why is that bad?"
"I don't know we just met?"He yelled.
Seungmin winced.

"You wanted me TO KISS YOU AS A FAVOUR"

"OH SHUT IT, IT WAS A MISTAKE I COULD NEVER BE WITH SOMEONE LIKE YOU" Hyunjin snapped. Seungmins shoulder dropped indicating he was heartbroken.

"But yesterday-"
"A. mistake let me spell it A. M.I.S.T.A.K.E"

"Hyunjin...did you play me?"
"Yeah so what?"
"You fucker! I thought you were ACTUALLY DECENT!!" He screamed.
"Psht what you gonna do? Tell you besties" he laughed clutching his stomach.
Seungmin wasn't gonna do such thing he was gonna do much worse...

"Excuse me? I was here first"
"Okay jeez" hyunjin huffed walking out. As soon as the door closed Seungmin ran to the bathroom and took out a pocket knife (Okay everyone do not! Hurt yourself if heys you know where in life Okay? Okay good 😍)

"This-is-to-fucking-love" he cried as he cut slashes in his arms. On one he cut too deep
"Crap I gotta stitch" he sniffed as he took out his stitching kit and sewed himself up.

Seungmin didn't clean up and left his "tools" out before grabbing a bag and running out,pushing past Hyunjin.

"don't push past me-OI WHATS THAT ON YOUR ARM?" He yelled but Seungmin already slammed the door.

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow and walked into the bathroom.
"Why was he-oh my fucking god-" he gasped when he saw the blood all over the floor and the stitching kit with the pocket knife.
"This is my fault..." he sighed.

(Rlly you don't say😒)

Seungmin met with Jeongin and Felix and Jisung with their boyfriends.
"Minnie?! What the hell what happened!" Jisung asked worried. Everyone ran to Seungmin. Bangchan and Jeongin where dripping sweat, Jisung and Minho where shaking and Felix and Changbin has hugged Seungmin tightly.

They all sat down "Well yesterday I met with my roommate we got Of on the wrong start as he asked me to kiss him.."

"THATS DISGUSTING!" Minho growled.
"Then I had problems with maths so he helped me and we started talking we kissed...then I slipped a little and needed him to sleep with me, I started falling in love with him"

"He screamed this morning and told me that he should never be with someone like me, and that it was mistake and started having a go at me" Seungmin cried.

Bangchan grabbed his arm and lifted the sleeve up. "I KNEW IT YOU WERE JUST GETTING OUT THIS CUTTING PHAZE THAT SON OF A BITCH!" Chan yelled. Jeongin pulled him away.

"What is your room number?" Felix asked.
"Room 204 why?"
Felix and the Jeongin got up and sprinted down the hallways.
It took a moment for Seungmin to realise
"OH SHIT NO GUYS WAIT NO!" He screamed running after them.
But he was too late he could hear shouting and yelling. Then Seungmin felt something trickle down his arm.warm it was warm.

Lifting his sleeve up he saw the stitches broke. "No..." he began walking to the door he was loosing to much blood.
"Fe-Lix,Jeong-in" he mumbled before passing out in the door way.

Felix and Jeongin called for help screaming crying calling the ambulance.
Hyunjin stood there shocked confused scared as he watched the blood form a puddle. This was his doing his fault, if he hadn't said those words he never meant then non of this would of happened. He just didn't want to gain feelings for someone in all honesty he was scared as hell


Seungmin woke up eyes fluttering slightly as he saw white walls and people around him soon knowing it was his friends. "Minnie?!" Jisung cried hugging him. They all hugged him sniffing.
"Wait, where's Channie?" He asked Jeongin smirked. "Taking care of someone"
"Fuck sake" he smiled.

Suddenly doors burst opened and Woojin ran In "FUCK IM SO SORRY AM I LATE WHERES MY BROTHER!!" He screamed. He then saw the crowd and immediately apologised running to Seungmin. "Omg Seungminnie my little brother are you okay!!"

"Yes Woojinnie I'm fine just a bit tired" he grinned slightly.
"Mr Seungmin should rest" the nurse said everyone got a bit quiet before agreeing and leaving to sit in the waiting room.

"Sir please take the medication it'll help boost the blood flow" the nurse sighed.
"But I'm fine"
"No take it" she grumbled.
"Don't talk to me like that" he frowned
"I am here to help now take the god damn thing!!" She hissed.

"He said don't talk like that"

Bad Habits (Hyunjin)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя