February 15 Lol you thought it would be valentines day

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I know what you're thinking.

"Yay lux and Elliot kissed, finally they did what needed to be done."

Haha. Gotcha. I'm not telling you if we kissed or not. Yet.

Just kidding. We didn't kiss.

See if we had kissed, then we probably would have started dating. But what good is dating someone you have loved your whole life when in six months they are moving back to New York.

None. There is no good in that.

Yes, Elliot is going to New York university and I am going to the University of Arizona.

Okay the sentiment for today, though, is my new next door neighbor. The house next door had been vacant for a good two years. And today that is no more.

"LUX COME HERE!" Liam yelled from down stairs. I fled down stairs, thinking my dad had died or something. He ushered me over to where he was. He pushed me in front of him and pointed out the window. I squinted and then saw it. A blue van was being unloaded.

A blue car sat next to said blue van and people were getting out. First it was a pretty woman with dark blonde hair. Then she walked around to the door near me and pulled out a little girl, probably three years old.

Then were the two boys who made this day pretty nostailgic. Two boys got out of the car. They were literally the same height, had the same dark brown eyes, the same short dark blonde hair like their mom, the same everything except their clothes. One looked really bad-boyish and one looked super preppy. After them jumped out a dog, which made my puppy (MayBea get it. Like maybe? Nevermind.) go wild.

The two boys were identically hot. Like super hot. It made me blush. My dad walked into the kitchen and me and Liam backed away from the window quickly.

"Hey guys, checkin' out the new neighbors?" He asked. We both nodded.

"We are going to go say hi later, I hope you know that."

"But dad," they were hot, but I didn't want to be weird.

"No buts, Lux, once the truck has left we will go bring them some pizza or something and introduce ourselves, capiche?" He asked. I nodded.

I texted Brookes as I ran up the stairs to change into, well anything but what I was wearing.

Me: new neighbors? And they're hot!

Brookesy: lmao. I don't think they're all that, I'm going to go say hi later. Can I come with your family?

Me: anything to not be alone with my dad and Liam while they are meeting new people #embarassing

Brookesy: lol okay #cyal8r

I laughed as I ran through my closet trying to find something to wear. I settled on a black shirt that said '#ootd', a maroon skater skirt and a red leather jacket. And white converse of course. I pulled my long blonde curls up into a high ponytail when my dad called up to me and Liam that we were leaving. I asked them to wait a minute while I went to get Brookes.

My dad knocked on the door three times before the mother answered the door, carrying the adorable little girl on her hip.

"Oh hi!" She said.

"Hi! I'm Leo Evans, and these are my kids Lux and Liam and our neighbor Brookes!" He said.

"Oh! Well I'm Lia Jacobs, and this is Morgan."

"I'm tree!" Morgan yelled holding up four fingers. I put down one of them for her.

"I have two other sons that you should meet, one minute I'll go find them, come in come in! Sorry I'm really bad with meeting people!" She said. My dad chuckled and walked in behind her and sat down on their couch. They had a bit of an British accent.

This Boy, That GirlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora