Chapter 6 - Am I home?

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Adora follows Adam into the throne room, not knowing if she's ready to meet her parents. What was it Adam said? That there was three of them? 

Adam walks carefree into the throne room. "Mom! Papa! You're home!" He runs up to a white tall man, with pitch black hair, and a woman in gorgeous clothes and a tight hairstyle, and hugs them one after the other. 

Where's the third one? Adora asks herself.

"Oh Adam! Glad I could see you first thing!" His mother says. 

Adora takes the decision to stand smirking up against the wall, waiting for Adam to introduce her. 

"Oh I heard you had to deal with a spaceship while we were gone." A new man whom just walked into the room says. He has gold hair, like Adora and Adam, but his eyes are brown. 

"Dad!" Adam calls happy. 

Adora can feel this little jelly(fish) swimming around inside her stomach. Is this here how children are supposed to react when they see their parents? If so, then Shadow weaver wasn't a very good mom. But was she ever in doubt about that? 

Adora sighs. Adam has the brightest smile as his father takes him in his arm and they hug. His Papa also joins and the mother teases the Papa about being to clingy. 

"But how did it go?" His Papa aks. 

"With what?" Adam asks confused. 

"The spaceship." His mom reminds him, while she unpacks her suitcase. She seems like she has her things in order.

"OH!" Adam finally remembers Adora. She waves at him as he finally turn to her. "There's actually someone I want you to meet." He crawls out of his father's arms and runs over to Adora. "This is Adora. " He gently takes her and and escorts her back to their parents. "She's from a planet called Etheria! And she has this really cool sword! And she can turn into a 8 foot tall lady!" They stand before the three thrones, with the three rulers a few steps above them. "But also ... I think that she might be my sister." Adam says.




Entrapta saw all of Catras mental breakdown, but she didn't know how to help. That's why she's sitting in the hallway, where Bow, Glimmer and Catra can't see her. She doesn't know why she's crying. 

"Beep beep boloop." Emily makes these sounds as she walks across the hallway. When she sees Entrapta the robot immediately runs over to her and cuddles her. 

"Oh uhuhahaha! Emily!" Entrapta laughs. 

Emily stops tickling Entrapta and scans her face. She then asks in roboto why Entrapta is crying. 

"Ah... you know. ha..." Entrapta says with tears still runing throw her eyes. Emily cuddles up on Entrpatas lap, saying that she doesn't need to cry in her own langues. "I know girl." Entrapta says. "You saw what happened before didn't you?"

"Beep bap loop?" Emily says.

"Exactly. ... I just wish that they could be like that over for me, ust like they are over for each other. I don't know if that is selfish to wish."

"Beep Blee Boo." Emily says. She escapes from Entraptas lap, telling her to follow her. She then speeds up and by that imply, that they're playing tag now. 

"You're right Emily." Entrapta says and runs after her.




"Hi." Adora says awkwardly to her three new found parents. None of them has spoken since Adam revealed the fact that she could be his sister. "So uh eh... we was flying through space, as we saw your planet and we- We decide to land on it to see if my family could be her and- And then I meet Adam. And he saw the pattern in me being transported through the portal could mean, that I'm your daughter." Adora finishes with her arms spread out in a I don't know pose. 

Her awkward tooth smile does not seem to convince them either. Do they just instantly hate me? Adora asks herself. 

"Did she brainwash you or something?" Adams Dad asks him. 

"Nope. True story." Adam says. 

The Dad just shrugs. "Well then welcome home I guess. Or is that rude? I mean It could be you had a other home that you prefer-" 

"Oh please you're not offending me." Adoras says. Adam, his mom and Papa all catch eye contact, and Adam begs them silently to do something before these to goofball makes it to awkward for themself. 

It's clearly to see that Adel and Adora are related. Adam snickers. 

"Medamia Adora." Adams Mom calls. Adora and Adel immediately stops their conversation proberally both happy to shup up. 

"Oh... Just call me Adora." Adora says. 

"Adora... I'm sorry if our reactions have... I don't know... been unpleasant, or even rude, but you might understand that we just today found out that we have a daughter."Adora is already stunned by her mother. "To be frank, we don't know anything about you. You're all grown up and we haven't had the chance to do our job as your parents so therefor I can't say we're, even we are biologically ." Adam tiptoes back to Adora, whom is stunned by their mothers speaking talent. "But let us give it a chance any way. I won't force anything that isn't there, and we don't have a family connection, but maybe we can get one? ... how does that sound?" She finishes. 

"I know her words can be a bit harsh but she means the best of it-" Adam says. 

"Are - You - Kidding!" Adora eyes are sparkling. "Our mom is so cool." 

Melayna smiles. "See? I already made it to the favorite parent." She says to her two husbands. They both grounts in defeat and Adam laughs. 

"You've already started that competition?" He asks.

Adora sees them lovely arguing, and her heart. It's hard to explain this feeling. She thinks. But my heart feels whole.



Medamia= Miss


Adel (short for Adelbert)= Adora & Adams Dad

Melayna = Adora & Adams Mom

And their Papas name is Jace (I didn't get to include it in this chapter. I'm sorry ಥ ͜ʖಥ)


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