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Gamora was alone all by herself and she hears the sounds of the tie whisper flying to her and she was standing and the sky was so dark when there was nobody there in the stadium to battle the enemies when she was really lonely all by herself once in for all.

Kylo Ren was in the tie whisper and he said. I know I'm not strong enough. But if I was. I could protect you from snoke and his sith Guards and sith troopers.

Gamora was looking at kylo ren's tie fighter while she was at the balcony

Gamora was really embarrassing when something went wrong in her head is when she was about to fall asleep once in for all that she looks at the tie fighter and kylo Ren was trying to look for her while she remains missing

Kylo Ren was focusing when he was attractive about he was in his tie whisper ship and leave off to look for her.

He bring the now order to the galaxy when kylo ren's Helmet has been destroyed by snoke when he was unmasked about his circumstances that the knights of ren tracked her when Gamora was missing here along by herself once that she was alone

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

He bring the now order to the galaxy when kylo ren's Helmet has been destroyed by snoke when he was unmasked about his circumstances that the knights of ren tracked her when Gamora was missing here along by herself once that she was alone.

The future of the galaxy that Pryde shoot General hux on the chest to death by the stormtrooper gun in the star destroyer that he said. Get me the supreme leader

Gamora fights alongside him when she was about to win the fight along with kylo Ren with their weapons is when he was there.

The next day. Doctor Strange is going to open his locker when he is startled by a noise. As it turns out. The noise was mysterio trying to scare Doctor strange so he could film him. Mysterio is planning to scare people to record a footage to make a video. Gamora leads Doctor strange and the other friends in an attempt to get ahold of mysterio's device to erase the cruel video.

Mantis said. I think that the knights of ren were unmasked and was tied up and gagged by some sort of black mask gag and they is tied to by some black ropes that they was muffling, screaming and they can't talk when they was struggling.

Doctor Strange explained to his friends. Well, it seems that the way you guys know about the knights of ren are unmasked without their helmets and they were being tied and gagged that they was silent that someone keep thier mouths shut.

And how they were always in a tied up mood all the time? Said Wonder Woman

Black Widow said to her friends at this time. And how the knights of ren were on the poles has been Kidnapped by the taskmaster is when he and the red room widows are looked like the knights of ren.

Someone has caused so many excuses of this one private hell. Said Tony Stark

You were insufferable to begin with. Said Gamora as she and her friends begin to laugh out loud because it was really hilariously

Why are you all boasting about this doctor strange. Whatever you say it. Say it to my face! Said mysterio

Well...did you get it? Doctor Strange asked

Umm..... excuse me! I just remember I have something to do. Said Gamora as she leaves her friends

You don't leave things half finish what a friend needs you. Come back here this minute! Said mantis as she was on the tree between Wonder Woman and Doctor strange.

Meanwhile at the interrogation room chambers, kylo Ren has been gagged by a white rag gag and he was restrained without his helmet on because he was in captive once he was struggling is when he was in danger once in for all. Kylo Ren was in Danger gamora come to look for him.

He was gagged when he got restrained is when he was muffling and screaming. Suddenly. Snoke came and he was with the shot. And he gasps.

The shot came close to kylo ren and he was screaming and starts to panic. Gamora heard kylo ren's screaming. And now she came to save him.

weight of the world ] gamoraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ