Chapter 19: "Attest we get to die with a sparkly sombrero."

Mulai dari awal

“Finally I have something to hold against you,” He said with taunting voice. “I bet you would save her in a heartbeat.” I quickly shook my head no. “Are you saying you wouldn’t save her? Tst, tst boy. Tell me where the manual is at and she won’t die.” My heavy shoulders shrugged. He slammed his hand against the metal door. Someone is having a tantrum.

“You’re useless,” the man snarled at me, “I should kill you right now.” Swiftly he pulled out his gun and took it off safety. The door banged open before he could pull the trigger. I let out a sigh of relief. I most have a guardian angel watching over me.  

“Sir,” One of the buff men started, “They’re here.” The man held a look of panic.

“What are they packing?” Sir asked.

“I-I’m not sure but I think they’re drunk,” another man said jumping in. Did they seriously show up drunk? I’m going to fucking kill them once I get my hands out of these ropes.

“Finally,” Sir said clapping his hands, “Let the games begin.” With that they marched out of the door in a straight line. What the fuck is this kindergarten? The heavy metal door swung shot, locking me away from the world.

That sounded dramatic.

Julia’s POV


                I stared into the eyes of a killed. Kidding. Kidding again he’s probably a killed. I gulped down the rude sarcasm that was trying to find a way out of my mouth kind of like word vomit. If I let those words come out of my sober mouth I would be as good as dead.  I hope Henry not dead yet.

                “I asked what the fuck is going on,” the scary man demanded. My eyes widen as Ta stumbled to him. All the elephants (AKA the enormous guys.) pulled their guns up faster than you could say melon-slut.

                “I am Obama,” Ta said extending her hand for him to shake. After a few moments of awkward non shaking hands Ta started talking again, “I was kidding. That was a joke.” She laughed. “A real knee slapper I know. But honestly I would rather jump off the Eiffel tower then be Obama.” The scary men raised an eye brow at her. She shrugged at him.

                “What I’m trying to get at is we want Henry back,” Ta said using her hands to talk.

                “I don’t think that’s going to happen, pretty lady,” The guy in front said with a raspy voice. Someone had too many cigarettes.  

                “Ok. One you’re an old pervert, two that was complete and utter bullshit because Henry is leaving the building with us alive,” Ta commanded.

                “Think fast,” the perverted man said as he pulled a knife from his back pocket. Ta quickly ducked to the side and did a ninja roll. The knife dived into the wooden floor. We all stood there in shock before all hell broke loose.

                I couldn’t tell who was who. I had no idea who was on my team. I snuck into a dark back corner. Scanning the room I didn’t see any of the boys or the girls. I felt little tingles going up and down my arms. My chest squeezed tight making it hard to breath. Listening to the gun shots and loud swearing voices didn’t help my case. My hand grabbed my shirt trying to pull it away from my body. Not that it was going to help.

                “Oh my boobs,” I whisper as a man got shot in front of me. My blood ran cold and my ears rung. I pulled on my hair trying to calm down. I saw little black dots taking over my sight. Soon I fell into the world of unconsciousness.   

Ta’s POV

                We need to get to Henry was the only thought I had running in my mind. As everyone started fight I slid to the hallway that dumbass came from.  Quickly running along the sides trying to stay in the shadows I saw lots of doors. Somewhere wooden and some are metal. I gripped my hair pulling it from my skull in frustration. Why are there some many fucking doors?

                Breathing in through my nose and out of my mouth I trained my thoughts on saving Henry. If I was a big scary bulldozer of a man where would I hide Henry? I narrowed my eyes and tapped my chin trying to focus without getting distracted by all the ear ringing noise. Looking at the doors I decided he would hide Henry in a metal one.

                Slowly I made my way to the last metal door. I took a deep breath and tried shoving open the door.  Holy shit this door is heavy. This time I tried putting my shoulder into it but it barley bugged. Where the hell are the guys? God most of heard that question because they tramped they’re way over to me. Luke was carrying Julia.

                “Did you find him?” Justin asked looking around.

                “I don’t know do you see him anywhere?”  I asked sarcastically while rolling my eyes. Dumb fuck. “I think he is behind this door but I can’t get the stupid thing to open.”

                “Stand back and watch the master,” Luke said gently laying down Julia. I narrowed my eyes at him. I moved away from the door as he stood in front of it. Quickly he strikes a ninja pose and attempted to kick open the door. Nothing happened. Luke started hopping around on one foot and calming that he broke a toe.

                “Hey dumbshit! It’s a metal door,” Lexi said slowly like she was talking to a mentally challenged person. I didn’t use the word retard, my teachers would be so proud.  

                Jason walked up to the door grabbing the knob he easily opened the door. I looked at him in shock. That little fucker is making me look bad. I huffed and crossed my arms. Jason entered and flicked on the lights. We heard a moan form in the room.  Hurriedly we all pushed ourselves in trying to get a look. I really hope henry is in the room. Biting my lip I pushed through everyone. There in the middle of the door was Henry, tied to a chair.

                Lexi dropped down to her knee taking off the pink plastic hat that was Jason and put it over her heart.  She yelled, “Thank the fucking fiery pits of hell, we found him!”

                “Shouldn’t you be thanking Heaven?” Julia questioned groggily from the door way. She looked pale and ready to pass out at any time.

                “Julia, baby I think you should lie back down,” Luke said. He started walking slowly over to her.  

                “I-I think your right,” Julia said. She passed out again falling on her back. A loud smash was heard when her body hit the floor.

                “Holy mother of boobs,” I mumbled under my breath. Henry started coughing making us all pay attention to him again.

                “We’ll get you out of here bud,” Justin said walking over to Henry. Justin quickly untied Henry. Jason and Justin had to half carry Henry out of there because he got shot on the lower stomach. Luke carried the passed out Julia. Finally we made our way outside to freedom.

                I could really go for some pickles. 

                                       S T O P !!!!!!!


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