Chapter 2

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 I am  Sazzy, a beautiful sexy latina 5'4 reddish brown hair , white with chocolate eyes a killer smile with a great personality I'm on the slight heavy side but more of me to love. My life with Manny was always boring I only married him because he can get me my residence  so I can stay in the US. I force myself to make believe I was deeply in love with him, my girlfriend Lisa told me I had to be extremely convincing.  His cousins paid for a our wedding and on our wedding nite he repulse me so much that I sneaked out and slept with my ex Sam. Sam knew how to satisfy me so well. As soon as he touched me I melted like butter. I snucked back again and he never knew the difference. To think all these years I spend my youth and stayed married with Manny for 16 years . But who said I had to be faithful to him. He was never the love of my life. Once I told him why don't we have an open marriage and he said no. That he married me and that's it. I longed to party , got to clubs but Manny wouldn't have any of that. I was bored, working and finally got pregnant with Tiff . It was okay for a while but I needed excitement  and while Manny worked nights I got lonely and met Pedro. The things he can do with his tongue. He would always bring me to ecstasy. I was in love. we kept seeing each other for about two years. I got pregnant with my daughter Tati.  Pedro dumped me because I won't leave Manny.

 You have to understand Manny loves doing things for me. He  cooked , cleaned,  did laundry took care of the girls. He  paid all the bills, told me to go to  college, gave me money and I never had to do anything. It was like I had my own personal maid. Never had to lift a finger for anything. he treated me good  but he lacked so much in the sex department . He had a medium size penis but he just stuck to the basics like missionary. I wanted more. Life was good but I needed sex I crave it and Manny just didn't cut it for me. So I met Julio, Juan other guys to keep me company.Most of the time Manny was with the girls and I would lie to him. I would tell him I had big projects and met my lovers that way. I was messing with Tomas when I got pregnant with Hazel. My mistake was that I got so drunk and admitted to Manny that I cheated on him. We argued he even left the house went to his cousin Jr. I begged him to please forgive me to think of the girls ( our daughters) always been his weakness. So he came back but I couldn't stay long without having  me some fun. OK I'm a sex addict, I crave it so much don't care who I do it with.  So now I have a week off and it close to New Years and definitely going to celebrate with style with Rico.

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