Chapter one

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My daughter Tati just called me to please pick them up they don't feel well. I can't believe she is doing this to me again. My daughters are sick again and I have to take time off again to take care of them because  their stupid mother wants to spend time with her new man "Barnacle's". The jerk she replace me with. I barely make hours at work working just part time but I don't care as long the girls get better. I'm on my way to the E.R. Tati that's my middle daughter has a fever of 102. Hazel my youngest with a fever of 101.  The idiot  ex wife Sazzy has been texting me to take the girls because she has important things to do and what I don't??? What the hell is wrong with that crazy bitch but one day I will get even. Anyway I hope the my girls get better soon. The emergency room is so crowded tonight. Its going to be a long nite.

Well well well, so there again I got away with it. This fool thought I be the one taking care of the girls. I need to enjoy life.I'm not working this week I'm on my vacation but neither the girls or him need to know that. That idiot is so stupid.  That's why I left him. I want to be free. Yeah I love my girls but I need to have fun.  Those girls are a pain in my ass most of the time. I just hate him my ex husband Manny, he won't do anything  for me unless the girls Tati and Hazel ask him. But Rico my new boyfriend  he is a real man knows how to take care of me.

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