1 the meeting

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Chelsea rested her fingers on the door to the house, she heard the blaring music coming from the windows to her left and sighed. She knew this wasn't her plan for when she moved to Texas but look where she ended up. With a slight push the door opened, and taken by chel's surprise,there was a tall brunette on the other side giving a welcoming smile. He stood there for a moment locking eyes with chel amazed.

"I-im nick, " the brunette said with soft chuckle. a slight blush came across her cheeks when she heard him stutter aswell as the fact that she found him very cute.

"Thanks, im Chelsea" she replied with. Sapnap moved his right arm backwards as he lead her inside into the dimly light house heading towards the crowd.

Chelsea made an awkward appearance at this 'get-together' as she stood calmly by the drinks table, swaying to a couple songs every minute or so. Sapnap, on the other hand, could not keep his eyes off her. Dazed but still intrigued. After a decent 15 minutes of searching for her Sapnap finally spotted the light blue dress she was wearing, hugging her figure ever so slightly, contrasting wither her light brown curls, and made his way over to her. He placed his left hand onto of hers resting on her hip and asked if she wanted to go outside, the two of them smoothly make their way out onto the cool grass and take a seat, fingers still slightly interlocked. Chelsea cant help but smile at boy sitting to her left as he asks,

"Im guessing you are not much of a party person are you, Chelsea." Responding with a giggle, she sighs and shakes her head. Chelsea lies back onto the grass looking up to the sky. Confused, Sapnap lies back too and looks over at her, still amazed by her facial features. He stares with that soft smile of his as she looks over with a soft giggle. Sapnap abruptly sits up to say

"Lets play a game, me and you, I want to know you. Chelsea." Dragging out the a at the end of her name. A soft 'ok' leaves her mouth as she looks up at him.

"Tell me your story, Chelsea." 

hii napitys here xd welcome well see how this story goes please leave a comment or smth :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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