Chapter 16: Carter Ryan And Marie Itami's Love

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Carter awakes on a nearby beach with a massive headache. Not surprising since he had somehow managed to survive a shot to the head, luckily it had missed his brain. He touched his head whee he was shot but it was now a round scar where the bullet had come out sometime ago, He was wet an covered in sand his, clothes being too heavy takes them off and wrings them out to make them lighter to wear again. He remembered what had happened last night and he was instantly worried about everyone else other than him as always but especially he was worried more about Marie Itami.

Ever since Marie and Carter have been working together for the past year their bond has grew more than a friendship, well thats what he thinks anyway he loves her but he doesn't know if she loves him back although he think to himself that when he first met her after his transformation she did called him hot. So hopeful she did feel the same way carter reached into his pocket to try and call the Beastman Coop only to discover that his phone was destroyed due to water damage.

Carter Ryan: Shit phones bust, I guess that this is a long walk from here. At least I know where I am.

*Meanwhile at the Beastman Coop*

Marie Itami woke up to see Michiru still sleeping, she noticed that her alarm was about to go off but turned it off so that she could wake her up gently.

Marie Itami: Michiru wake up sweetie.

Michiru Kagemori: Morning Marie how do you feel?

Mari Itami: I feel better but I still feel bad.

Michiru Kagemori: Yeah it will be like that for a while, hey lets get some breakfast.

Marie and Michiru head downstairs to see that Jen and Melissa had already cooked breakfast and they had made a fry up consisting of baked beans, fried eggs and bread, and bacon. Jem and Melissa handed Marie and  Michiru there plates of breakfast and told them that they were heading out for today to get their minds off of the death of Carter. Michiru and Marie finished their breakfasts some time later and then the two of them sat down to watch some TV. Marie had turned the TV where it was still on the news channel where  Jem and Melissa had turned it onto last where even now it was still going on about Carter Ryan's death and how they still haven't found his body.

Marie Itami: FUCK OFF! *Turns off TV*

Michiru Kagemori: Don't listen to that, hey to put our minds of this do you want to head to the local cafe where Nazuna and I are going today to clear our minds after last night?

Marie Itami: No thank you but thank you for the offer but I wish to stay here for a bit linger before heading back home, his bed still smells like him.

Michiru Kagemori: Well okay then if you need to call me you can you know?

Marie Itami: I do thank you again for comforting me last night, I really needed it.

With that Michiru nodded and left Marie Itami by herself at the Beastman Coop where she proceeded back upstairs to lie on Carters bed where she begins crying. Little did she know that Carter arrived back at the Beastman Coop cold, wet and tired. He entered the building  and opened the door into the upstairs house. Marie Itami Hears the door being opened down stairs and heads down there to investigate what she saw next fills her heart with joy.

Carter Ryan: Hello is anyone here Im back and okay if anyone was wondering.

Marie ItamI: CARTER YOUR ALIVE HAHA! *Jumps on him and hugs him tightly whilst crying*

Carter Ryan: Hey Marie thank god your alright.

Marie Itami: I'm Okay!? You were shot in the face how are you alive!?

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