Chapter 7: Incident at Sylvasta

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They waited for what seem like 5 minutes, a disturbingly quiet 5 minutes. Shiro and Carter with their heightened hearing and sight could hear and see the shutters of the garage of the facility open to reveal some armed guards.

Shiro Ogami: Carter how well is your fighting skills against armed individuals?

Carter Ryan: I am always at fights with armed individuals when I go out on missions.

Shiro Ogami: Michiru you stay in the car and protect the Mayor in case anything happens.

Mayor Rose: The car is bullet proof so if they fire I will be protected.

Carter Ryan: Well in that case Michiru you need to stay in the car for your own protection.

Michiru Kagemori: I can look after myself you know! 

Shiro Ogami: Carter is right though, I do not want to see you get hurt again do as we say please and stay in the car.

Carter and Shiro exit the limousine, Shiro clenches his fist ready to fight whilst Carter aims his pistol using the car as a shield. at least ten armored guards approach the blockade and they see that Carter is aiming at them causing them to aim back.

Guard 1: Gentleman this area is on lock down and we suggest that you sir put your firearm away unless you plan on using it.

Carter Ryan: If you even dare fire at me you will all be put down. And trust me I will be the one to come out of this alive.

Shiro Ogami: He is right you know you are going up against the Shadow Wolf, and even if you do fire at us you will also be firing at a government vehicle belonging to the Mayor and you will all be charged with attempted murder of the Mayor.

Guard 2: Sir that is Shiro Ogami one of the Mayors advisors, he works for the Mayor Rose.

Guard 3: And that is also the Mayor Rose's car sir, the plates match from her previous visits.

Guard 1: Alright men stand down.

The armed guards stood down and so did Shiro and Carter, the head guard approach Carter and Shiro and apologized "We're sorry if we came at you a bit violent than usual Mr. Ogami and Shadow Wolf, we're on a Red Alert Lock down as someone has stolen some experimental serum that is highly dangerous and we do not know if they are still in the building".

Shiro Ogami: That is okay, what it this serum that you talk of what does it do?

Guard 1: Sorry Mr. Ogami but that information is classified.

Carter Ryan: Would this happen to be the experimental serum? *pulls out syringe*


Shiro Ogami: I think it would be in your best interest that you should let the Mayor through this blockade or face being arrested for obstruction.

Guard 1: Yes sir right away sir, men clear this blockade and let the mayor through.

With that the guards let open the blockade, Shiro and Carter get back inside the limousine and the limousine pulls up inside the garage. Mayor Rose, Michiru, Shiro and Cart get out and head up towards the main laboratory floor where Carter, Shiro and Mayor Rose hope to find answers to why this serum was created in the first place. They make it to the lab where the supposed serum is created only to see that the area has been taped off and the shelves empty.


Head Scientist: M-Mayor Rose what a surprise to see you how may we help you today.

Shiro Ogami: Who created this serum!?

Michiru Kagemori: Who created It!

Head Scientist: It was Alan Sylvasta Mayor a few years ago, we have had it in storage since then. And because of the new administrative leadership since Alan's departure from the company ordering the safe disposal of dangerous technology we came to collect it this morning to see that it is all gone.

Shiro Ogami: Mayor he's telling the truth.

Mayor Rose: Shiro and Carter you check around the place and search for anything useful that might help us in our investigation. And you I want a list of those working up here in the last week.

Dead Scientist: As you wish Mayor Rose.

After some Investigation Shiro finds something, as small single strand of blond hair> Shiro new who it belonged to but smelt it just to be sure, and sure enough his suspicions where true the single strand of blond hair belonged to Alan Sylvasta the crooked businessman and Beastman God who wanted to destroy Anima City but was stopped by Shiro and Michiru a few months back. Shiro told the group about his findings and so they had a lead in their investigation and tied Alan Sylvasta to the crime. Mayor rose ordered the arrest of the humans responsible for the creation of the serum and so they headed back to the mayors office. Once they got there Mayor Rose told Shiro, Michiru and Carter that she would contacted by her if Anima City Police had a location of Alan or a suspected location of the experimental serum.

Mayor Rose: Until then you all get some rest as you have all been busy today. Especially you Carter as you haven't been here a full day yet and already you have done so much that you haven't even had the time to settle in to Anima City. I am sorry for what has happened to you and hope that you enjoy your stay and welcome to Anima City.

Shiro, Carter and Michiru in unison: Thank you Mayor Rose.

With that Shiro, Michiru and Carter star to fly back to the Beastmen Coop flying on the back of Micheru once more.

Michiru Kagemori: Hey Carter if you want when we get back and have some rest Shiro and I can help train you and help you shift and we can learn about your abilities if you like?

Shiro Ogami: Well my schedule is open so I happy to help out.

Michiru Kagemori: Well what do you say?

Carter Ryan: Well yeah I'm down for some training but lets get some rest first I need to go to sleep.

Michiru Kagemori: Yeah me to.

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