Chapter 2

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POV Rei (Skeleton) ——time skip to 3 weeks, Rei and Zerf were now friends——

It has been almost 3 hours, since
Zom, liu and i were chatting at my house.
We were having all types of conversations, till one i really didn't want to talk about came up...

Liu: who has a crush in here? ——he said smiling. Zom looked at me a bit worried if that theme would bother me. I tried to give my best smile as i was going to answer——

Rei: well, yeah i do have a crush. But im not telling who it is... ——i said standing up to get my phone and see what time it was. It was 6:02pm. "Not that late i guess" I thought as I sat back down——

Zom: i don't have a crush. What about you Liu——i felt how The dark skeleton gazed at me, then he answered——

Liu: yeah i do, and i will be honest. Its a male ——he said with no worries that we could make fun of him.—— y'all ain't gonna make fun of me, are ya?

Zom: nah

Rei: nope, anyways i love a ma- ejem... ——i cut the sentence fast. But Zom and Liu looked at me. Zoms face like "shit"

Liu: so you like a boy. Can you tell me who it is? I might help ya ——he said smiling, Zoms phone rang and he went outside to attend the call.——so... are you going to tell me?

Rei: w-well... don't be surprised about it.... i-it's your cousin, Zerf....——i said trying to hide my 'blush'


Liu: oh, that is a surprise. —— Liu said with his 'smile'
"This will make everything easier~ hehe~" he thought in his head——

Rei: now can you tell me who do you like? ——The smaller skeleton asked——

Liu: well, is a skeleton and i lied. Is a she, sorry ——Rei looked at him in amazed, and maybe a bit mad—— sorry, heh.... her name is Crystal.... and.... i want her back to me.....—— Rei thought for some seconds then he said——

Rei: did something happened? I can help you if you want

Liu: no is okay... i don't want to talk about it——"oh yes you will help me with my revenge" he thought—— did you know i can make Zerfs voice?

Rei: for real?

Liu: hehe yeah~ ——he said doing exactly Zerfs voice, they both chuckled and then Liu said—— well i will take my leave ——Liu walked going to the door—-

Rei: oh okay, bye then

Some minutes after Liu left, Zom walked in, but in a hurry....

Rei: Zom what happened? ——Rei asked standing up and looked at the picture Zom was looking on his phone—— w-what.....?..... i-is not possible.....

Zom: im sorry Rei.... ——Zom gave a hug (friend hug) to the now 'crying' Rei.... Rei now was with clothes. Why? Well because whenever he is sad or wants to have some 'sex' he materializes his body.... and the picture he saw really made him sad.... Hex.... was on top of Zerf.... kissing.... Rei cried for long hours, his friend with him, trying to make him feel better....
but nothing worked...

~~with Hex and Zerf~~ 20 minutes before Rei started crying~~

Hex: so. Do you think the book will help you ——he said reading one of his books——

Zerf: hmm.... NO! ——He threw the book to the floor—— . That. Book. Is. So. Stupid!! ——he said pausing on each word he said, hex gazed at him, then he stand up——

Do you love me? (Skeleton x Wither skeleton) Where stories live. Discover now