Chapter One

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   Most kid's childhood memories are filled with lullabies and bedtime stories. Not mine.

I'm an orphan, as well as all other Ecliptics like me and my life begins in Saint Valleys orphanage in Florida.
Ahh, good old Saint Valleys.
I have zero memories there whatsoever but you know...good times!

When an orphaned child turns three years old here, it's mandatory to check their blood for any suspicious cell activity.
When you're an Ecliptic child, however, at the age of three, you gain 3
star-shaped cells floating in the blood around your brain.

Then, we basically live in the orphanage until we turn 10 and can go to Fosters County, Florida's school for Ecliptics: Baylight Cove.

If you're wondering what an Ecliptic actually is, here's a short answer: we're humans that have unlocked our sixth sense.
And with the feeling of our element, whether it's Fire, Earth, Air, or Water, our sixth sense becomes stronger and more powerful.

There's one problem, though.

Having a sixth sense comes with a price.
My price was the realization that I was going to die soon which is why I started writing this diary.

My name is Addelie (Add-elle-ee) and I'm a 16-year-old Air Ecliptic in Baylight Cove.

Remember me, please.

Gravity 101Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant