Chapter 2: Invitation

Start from the beginning

Weiss: It's kind of..

Blake: Empty.

C claps his hands and the area changes. A huge mansion springs up and concrete springs up from the ground. Trees circle at the very edge. When everything settles the area has become a huge circle split in the middle with stands that go down into the arena. At the top, where they currently are, is the fairgrounds. One side is labeled REM and the other KlK.

C: Okay. So time moves at whatever pace I want it to here, so how long do you think you will need?

Ghira: Well are we going to have to build the booths and other things?

C: Nope.

C claps his hands and standard fair ground equipment comes out. Tents with grills, normal booth like things, and other stuff. C hands Weiss and Blake a phone.

C: Sorry I only have a set number of these, so you're going to have to share. This is basically a scroll but better. If you need anything simply type it in the search bar and it will make it appear. The portal feature will also make portals to and from your universe, just put in a location and boom.

Ghira: Well give us two days and I guarantee we'll have something special.

C: Great! I have to go make sure everything else is all good and get some people to help set up the other side of the fairgrounds. See ya later.

C teleports to universe KlK where he meets up with...

C: Satsuki! How's it going sis!

Satsuki: Quite well actually. It's good to see you, C. How is Ryuko?

C: She's great. Still training hard to master her element. I love what you did with your hair by the way. You look good with it short.

Satsuki smiles at the compliment and offers him a seat. He takes it and Soroi comes out with some tea.

C: Thanks Soroi.

Soroi: Of course Mister C.

Satsuki: So to what do I owe this pleasure?

C: I was wondering if you would want to help me with something.

Satsuki: Within reason.

C: I want to host a big tournament that will have multiple universes in one area. The first one is a test run with only two. I was wondering if you would like to set up the fairgrounds for KlK's section. That way people have the opportunity to experience this world within the confides of the tournament grounds.

Satsuki: Hmm. How long would this take?

C: The tournament would only be at most a couple of days. A bigger scale one would probably be a week, but we aren't starting big.

Satsuki: And the other universe is setting up fairgrounds?

C: Right now as a matter of fact. They said it would take them two days.

Satsuki: Why ask me to do this?

C: I trust you a lot more than other people and besides if anyone knows how to set up a fun and informative thing it has to be the one who practically ran an entire school.

Satsuki: Can I ask for assistance from the Elites?

C: Of course. I've got a group of four setting up everything for the other universe's side.

Satsuki: I'll do it. Let me get in touch with the elites to see if they would like to help.

Satsuki picks up a phone and calls the elite four one at a time. It takes no effort at all for them to agree. The office door opens and in steps Rei Hououmaru.

Rei: C. Hello.

C: Hey Rei. Okay, so should I go pick up the Elites?

Satsuki: Yes that would be convenient.

C teleports to Ira's family ironworks.

C: Heyo Ira! You in there?

Out steps the disciplinary committee chair Ira Gamagoori.

Gamagoori: So are you going to take me to Lady Satsuki, C?

C: Yep! She already told you the details?

Gamagoori: Yes.

C: Cool.

C teleports him to Satsuki's office and then teleports to Uzu's family restaurant. C steps inside and takes a seat. A woman with green hair steps up smiles at him. Her facial structure and hair make it very obvious that she's related to Uzu.

Waitress: What can I get you?

C: Takoyaki please. Oh and is Uzu in? I'm a friend from school. Satsuki sent me to pick him up.

Waitress: I'll be right back with your order and my little boy.

C: Wait you're his mom?

Waitress: Yes I am. Why?

C: I thought you were his sister, you look really young.

Waitress: Well thank you. I'll be right back.

She walks to the kitchen to tell his order and then she walks to the back where C hears her shout.

Waitress: Uzu! You've got friend here to see you. He's a very nice young man don't keep him waiting!

C chuckles and gets comfy in his seat. After a while Sanageyama sits down across from C and places his Takoyaki in front of him. C takes the chopsticks and starts eating.

C: You know. This place has some great food.

Sanageyama: Yeah I know, I did grow up here.

C finishes his meal and pays for it while leaving a decent tip before he and Sanageyama walk out.

C: Ready?

Sanageyama: Yeah let's go.

C teleports him to the office before teleporting to a music hall. Nonon walks out and bumps right into him.

Nonon: Hey watch it!

C: Wow. Rude. I'm your Uber and everything.

Nonon: Oh it's the wannabe.

C: I didn't miss you nearly as much as the others.

Nonon: Just take me to Lady Satsuki!

C does just that and teleports to a WiFi cafe. Inside he spots Inumuta typing away on his laptop.

C: Hey Dog.

Inumuta: So how have you been Cat?

C: Not bad. The snake, monkey, and toad are all at Satsuki's office, you ready to head out?

Inumuta: Indeed.

They teleport and C picks up the last person, Iori. Once they're all gathered up C makes a portal and takes them a to his pocket universe. He hands Satsuki and then Inumuta a phone.

C: With these you can summon anything you will need. Across from you is the other team setting up their side.

C points behind him where they all see four people setting up booths and signs.

C: You've got two days in here, but don't freak out when you realize that's only a day out there. I can control the flow of time in here, so if you need more hit me up. When you want to sleep you've each got a room in the mansion. Call me if you need me!

With that he disappears and heads back to inviting people.

C: Okay, so Jaune, Ren, Nora, obviously Satsuki, Blake, Weiss, and the elites have invitations, so I think that's it. I leave the rest up to the ten year old who's literally a bundle of lightning. I'm sure he's picked some good people to invite...oh my God what have I done?

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