Chapter 20

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Things quickly started to unravel that evening. Endolynn remained in her chambers, unwilling to come out. From her balcony, she could see Jatova's travel party departing via the main courtyard. He was supposed to be staying another couple of weeks at least.

He shook Caldor's hand and bowed before moving to the front of the party to lead them out of High Cloud Palace. He walked stiffly and his face looked hardened.

He is angry.

As she watched the party leave, a knock sounded on the door.

"No." she said without hesitation, unwilling to have visitors unless the visitor was Dastrehan. Clearly, it was not, as he had not used their special knock.

"Endolynn, I must speak with you." The anxious voice of her grandfather was muffled through the door. Endolynn signed, knowing he would remain outside the door until she let him in.
"Fine, you may enter," she said, moving towards the center of the room. He opened the door and shut it behind himself quickly.

"Child, what have you done?" his voice was barely above a whisper.
Endolynn stiffened, unwilling to admit that she had been in the wrong, "If you are here to rebuke me Grandfather, I am not in the mood."

"No," he shook his head and moved towards her, reaching for her hand. She gave it, eyeing his every move.

"Prince Jatova has left."

"I saw."

"He is incredibly angry Endolynn. He told your father that if you do not hold up your end of the bargain, there will be no more alliance with Arkala."

Endolynn swallowed, guilt starting to poke at her resolve.

"I know that an alliance with Arkala is important to father. But I will not marry him just to save our dignity."

"It is so much more than that," Sadon said, his eyes filled with worry, "But I did not come here to argue with you about that. Your father has told King Dastrehan he must leave tomorrow."

Endolynn's resolve broke like a burst dam.

"No, I will not let him do that," she said, moving past her grandfather to her door.

She stopped, her back turned to him.

"Caldor is not just your father; he is your king. You will not be able to convince him to change his mind, and if you try, you will only make this worse."

A tremble went through her as her grandfather's words penetrated into her mind.

"I came here to warn you so that you could say good-bye."

Endolynn nodded, unable to speak or turn to look at her grandfather.

Her heart was pounding a thousand beats per second.

She pushed through the door of her sitting room into the hallway and kept going until she came to Dastrehan's chambers.

She knocked quickly, her hand trembling as it moved.

"Come," Dastrehan's voice sounded through the door.

Endolynn took a steadying breath and entered.

Dastrehan stood with two servants, packing his things into trunks that were spread throughout the sitting room.

"Out." Endolynn ordered as she stopped in the middle of the room. The servants obeyed, their eyes down as they passed her.
So, the news about my actions today have already made the rounds of the palace.

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