Chapter 1: Insanity

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     Thunder rumbled in the distance as dark clouds rolled in. It was the middle of the day, yet the clouds made it look like night fall. Nightshade, who apparently didn't have anything better to do, had pulled up a chair near a window and was gazing out at the nearing storm with muted interest. "I hope lightning hits a tree and sets the house on fire," she mumbled. "Maybe then we'd actually get to do something. Or, I don't know, leave this forsaken place."

     Nightshade made little effort to hide how much she hated this place. She acted as though whining would just make all of her problems magically go away. That's how it should work. She is a princess. "What if we just...leave and try to outrun the storm. That'll be fun."

     "Why aren't you satisfied with peace and silence?" A tall, dark-furred Lucario paced up near the Salazzle before crossing his arms. "I thought you hated being attacked every day..." His scarlet red eyes focused on her.

     "Because peace and silence is boring as fuck," Nightshade replied with a huff before sliding from her placement at the window. "I want an adventure. You know, action and peril." Her eyes brightened and she gasped loudly. "Like in a movie!" Her smile faded as she looked back at the Lucario. "And about the fighting, don't Lucario like that? Because they're fighting type Pokémon? Can't you like...jerk your dick to some fighting match?"

     "You, of all people, are telling me to masturbate instead of having sex..." Hydra shook his head and scoffed lightly. "That's new." The Lucario paced near a couch and eased his way onto it.

     Nightshade smiled at him. "Oh...well, since you like boring, I figured you rather jerk off then have sex." She chuckled to herself and opened her wings, gliding past him. "It might be too much for you. Wouldn't want you dying from having fun."

    "I like to have fun." He laid comfortably on the couch before smirking. "I promise I won't die."

     Nightshade exhaled lightly. "Yeah, right." she mumbled before raising her violet gaze to meet his. "Instead of having sex, why don't you just consider my idea?" She flew over to him and sat down next to him. "So, that storm that's coming in—me and a few of these Pokemon that I met are gonna go and see if we can outrun it. Or like, figure out why it's here." She smiled at him and playfully punched his shoulder. "See, Hydra? Doesn't that sound exciting?"

     "I don't want you getting hurt, though..." Hydra frowned and placed his palm against her side. "If you're going to do it, I'm going to have to come with you..." He quickly reassured, laying on his back.

     Nightshade rolled her eyes and pulled away from him. "Okay, Dad." She crossed her arms and turned her nose up, closing her wings around herself. "Why don't you go and hold my hand while you're at it?" She paused for a moment, reconsidering what she had said before heaving a sigh and letting her arms fall. "I appreciate you being my bodyguard or whatever it is you're trying to do, but really, I can take care of myself." The Salazzle offered a reassuring smile and gently laid her hand on his arm. Nightshade leaned against his chest and sighed.

     Hydra chuckled and wrapped his arm around her stomach. "Do you want me to go with you or not..?" He smiled warmly at the Salazzle.

     "Not particularly." Nightshade believed that she had made herself clear enough with her previous whining. "Look, Hydra, you worry way too much. Everything is going to be fine. We'll go out, and then come back like nothing had happened. Simple." She closed her eyes and was silent for a few seconds. "Your voice makes your chest rumble," she said with a small laugh. "It's kinda hot."

     Hydra sighed and smiled warmly at the Salazzle. "Fine...but at least tell me when something's wrong..."

     Nightshade tried her best to hide her smile, but it was to no avail. "Yeah, yeah." Before she left the house, she flew up the stairs to grab a bag that she had waiting in her room. "You say that even though you're just gonna follow me," the winged Salazzle states as she comes down the stairs. "You know, not everything in the world is going to hurt me. Or kill me. Or do bad things to me." She landed in front of the door and rose to stand on her hind legs. "I'll take pictures for you if you want~" She flashed him a teasing smile before opening the door and flying out into the storm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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