Start having feelings

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Dragstrip and Wildbreak been hanging out all day for months and Wildbreak always smile when he is around with dragstrip...wildbreak start having feelings for dragstrip. And dragstrip is trying making wilbreak to be happy and want to be with him...

Wildbreak: *At his room and looking at his photo of his parents and him young self*

Dragstrip: *Walk in his room* Hey wildbreak!

Wildbreak: *Look up to him and smile* Hey dragstrip!

Dragstrip: I was wondering if you wanna hang out today? *blushes*

Wildbreak: *blush little and smile* Sure!

Dragstrip: Okay! *Smile*

It was night, Dragstip and Wildbreak head out somewhere bueatiful to surprise wildreak. And that dragstrip can confess wildbreak of his feelings.

Wildbreak: *In blind folded and holding dragstrip servo* Are we there yet?

Dragstrip: Almost *Smile and taking him somewhere and made it* Okay! You can take off the blind fold

Wildbreak: *Take off the blind fold and optics widen with a smile*

Wildbreak: *Take off the blind fold and optics widen with a smile*

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Wildbreak: Woah! This is so... beautiful! *Smiling*

Dragstrip: You're more beautiful *Smile and blush*

Wildbreak: *Blush hard and smile back* T-thank you

Dragstrip: *Smiling*

Wildbreak: *Look around*

Dragstrip: *Mind: Alright dragstrip you got this! Just confess your feelings to Wildbreak*

Dragstrip: Um w-Wildbreak...

Wildbreak: *Look at him* Yeah?

Dragstrip: U-um there something I need to tell you *blushing*

Wildbreak: What is it?

Dragstrip: *Blush hard* I...

What will happened the next chapter? And I'm sorry for the long wait and hope you guys are safe. Bye!

Dragsrtip x WildbreakWhere stories live. Discover now