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June 23rd 1999
It was the night of the prom, everyone had left early after the tomato-gate, except for james and erin who had both volunteered to clean up afterwards, michelle was off trying to find her two dates who'd ran off to the pub for a pint and clare was off with Orla goodness only knows where.

Erin turns to james and says,
"I really appreciate you turning up tonight"
"Yeah?" Replied james.
"Yeah i was just really lonely and i had just given up since john paul didn't arrive, sorry you missed the doctor who night, i know how much that meant to you"
"Well, id take cleaning up the school hall with you over sitting watching an old tv show any day" james smiled at erin then turned on the music.
"What are you at?" Erin chuckled.
"Everyone deserves a dance at their prom." James says while walking towards erin
"Well i just hope you know you have some SERIOUS competition here"
"A competition for who had the most left feet? Okay you win that one" james chuckled while grabbing erin and spinning her round.
After about an hour of dancing james and erin are just laying on the floor laughing.

James' pov:
As i lay on the floor with erin, i couldnt help but notice that something seemed, different about her tonight, she wasnt just erin anymore, she was special.
I shrugged it off.
I noticed the prom queen crown on the stage and jumped up to get it,
"And the prom queen is... erin quinn"
"Omg im honored i cant believe it" erin said as she hopped up on stage beside james "id like to thank, um... the academy"
"Alright calm down mate its not an oscar youre accep-"

Third person:
James was cut off by the sound of sister michael coming down the corridor.
"Wait what time is it?" Erin asked
James checked his watch "omg its half six on a thursday"
James and erin speinted out of school like they were competing for an olympic gold medal. They continued running until they got to the bottom of their estate, and collapsed into each other
"omg that was close" erin said between breaths
"Can you imagine sister michaels response if she knew we were still in school at this time?" James laughed
"Ikr she would be raging!"
"Absolutely fuming"
They both laughed into each other and began to walk up the estate.
"I hope you dont mind

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