(Fluff) Christmas Mischief

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       (F/N), Kassidy, and I were at a Christmas party that we were invited to. (C/N) was hanging out with their friends by the Christmas tree in the living room, while we were talking over by the kitchen counter. (Imagine the photo above but decked out in Christmas decor and at night)
        "Okay, I'll see you guys later." (C/N)'s friends walked away, assumingly leaving the party. They caught my eye and smiled, walking over. I slightly blushed as Kassidy wiggled her eyebrows at me and (F/N) nudged me in the side.
        "Shut UP!" I whispered to them as (C/N) came up to us.
       "Hey." They greeted, putting their hands in their pockets.
       "They uh, started a fire in the pit outside. Do you guys wanna go with me out there?" They asked, rubbing the back of their neck. I looked over at Kass and (F/N). They shrugged.
       "Sure, whatever." Kassidy said. (F/N) nodded in repy.
       We walked out onto the porch where there was an electric fire place blazing. We sat on one of the couches, Kassidy pushing me closer to (C/N). I gave her a look and she just smiled innocently. After a few minutes of small talk, I looked around and saw we were the only ones outside.
       "Huh, guess everyone went back inside." (C/N) noticed. (F/N) looked over at Kassidy and whispered something to her. She smirked deviously, seeing that (C/N) was looking away. She "coughed" and stood up.
       "I'm kinda thirsty. Can you come help me find something to drink, (F/N)?" They both smirked and headed inside. I turned and saw (F/N) give me wink and Kassidy give a thumbs up. I gave them both the dirty eye. As if things couldn't get worse, I was starting to get cold. I tried my hardest not to make it obvious, but ended up shivering.
      "Are you good?" (C/N) asked. I smiled at them and nodded. They glanced away with a funny look on their face. I shook it off and hugged myself, trying to stay warm. I suddenly felt myself being pulled towards them. I look over and see (C/N)'s arm around me, pressing me to their body. He was looking up at something. I looked up and saw a leafy plant with red berries hanging from a beam. My mouth went slightly open.
        "You don't have any clue how long I've been waiting to do this." (C/N) said, their voice just above a whisper.
        "Do..wha-" I was cut off by something soft on my lips. My eyes went the size of saucers, but fluttered shut after a moment. After a few seconds, (C/N) pulled away slowly, smirking as they opened their eyes. "I-" Before I could say something, I heard the sound of the sliding door.
       "Ah, hot cocoa. We brought some for you guys, too." (F/N) and Kassidy were back before I knew it. I looked at (C/N) and saw that their face was probably as red as mine was. (C/N) cleared their throat awkwardly and took a sip out of their mug. I did the same, bringing the cup to my mouth and just as I was about to take a sip..
       "You guys must be pretty cold. Your faces are so red!" (F/N) pointed out, a smug tone in their voice. I choked on my drink and (C/N) spit theirs out a bit. I looked over and saw Kassidy and (F/N) holding back laughter.
       "U-uh, yeah.. it's um.. pretty cold out here." (C/N) said, wiping a few drops of cocoa from their chin. (F/N) went back to their cocoa, smirking as they did.
       Little did I know, they saw everything and only came out with cocoa because someone gave the mugs to them.


Pretty short, but I thought it was cute. I love Christmas and Christmas in July is a thing, so... ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯


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