Chapter 20: The Bullet

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This chapter is very short, but I didn't know how else I could've written it. I hope you guys like it though.

The wind blew harshly around the rooftop, making Maki thankful that she was wearing a hood to keep her identity concealed. It also protected her from the cold that the wind provided, keeping her warm. Her long hair was skilfully tucked inside it, keeping it from blowing all over the place thanks to the wind. The city below her continued as normal, oblivious to the assassin above it. Cars, people, even animals continued to go about their own daily routines. They had no idea about what's to come. Her sniper was set up, ready to be aimed, but not ready to be fired. Not yet.

The bullet laid in the palm of her hand. At first she was making triple sure that it was the right one. But now she was weighing it in her hand. It was always light, but now it was heavier than a whale. Maki knew the reason why. It was the guilt making it so heavy. She couldn't do this. She can't. The night after she and Kaito kissed, she promised herself to not kill again, no matter what. She will have to break that promise. Just this one time. She had no choice. The poison that Kaito had in his body will be sure to have taken a more brutal hold on him. She didn't know how much time was left. She had to do this. If she didn't, she'd lose the one person that made her feel anything again.

Forcing herself to become numb, Maki loaded the rifle, ignoring the heavy guilt that the bullet carried. She looked through the scope of the rifle. She found her target almost instantly. She reverted back to her old self, before she met Kaito again. The ghost that continued to haunt her. The ghost that mocked her for not wanting to do this. She ignored the scene surrounding her target. She ignored the people surrounding him. She ignored the policemen on the outside of the police tape. She ignored the people walking down the street or looking on the scene out of pure curiosity. She even ignored the wind howling around her as she took aim. She only kept her attention on her target. She didn't hesitate in aiming for the vital point. She did hesitate as her finger curled around the trigger, desperately not wanting to pull it. She saw Kaito's face. At first he was happy, just like he always was before all this. But then he looked angry and distraught. Maki knew that is how he will react when he finds out who the target was. He'll never forgive her for this. As long as he is alive, however, that will be the only thing that matters to her. Maki screwed her eyes shut, blocking Kaito from her mind. She numbed herself completely as she focused again on the target.

"I'm sorry." Maki whispers, conviction carried in her voice. Not a second later, she pulled the trigger. Firing the guilt ridden bullet.

Again, apologies for the short chapter guys (I think that's why I got it out quicker than I expected it to). I hope you all enjoyed it all the same. I promise that I'll try to make the next one will be a little better.

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