This Baby Mine Now (END)

Start from the beginning

It was even better to observe the pinkish cheeks that reddened as they heated up from shyness. As if a morning glory opened up its petals to welcome the world with its gracefulness, Jeno's mind was refreshed. It purified his clouded mind and only Jaemin could do this to him. He was lacking Jaemin's smiles for the longest time ever since he met him and just a small raeaction helped him for a couple days.

Jeno beamed in happiness. The ticklish feeling did not end since Jaemin was internally being flustered and Jeno obviously couldn't look away.

"Too adorable Nana" he whispered under his breath and it went unheard by anyone else.

"Alright Jaeminnie. Good night and we will meet Jisung in the morning"

Jaemin's eyes widened by a bit to the mention of Jisung. Excitement took control of him and a small smile on the corner could be seen.

It was just that easy to make Jaemin happy and yet.... Jeno was reckless enough to hurt this precious human.

"Good night" Jeno repeated again and regretfully walked to the sofa without giving a good night kiss. He just didn't want to bother Jaemin.

A young night was too be passed peacefully and calmly. The serenity was imagery and illustrative.

Through everything,
Scary dreams would not invade Jaemin's sleep anymore,

Cold sweats would not be all over his body when his eyes forced themselves to open up,

Painful tears and hopeful wishes would not be the prayers of Jaemin's lips

Now that he felt safe and calm in the presence of Jeno with him. It was needless for the other one to know but Jaemin would never be able to deny the overflowing feelings for the man whose constant breaths determined the end of the previous tiring day.


"Nana! Nana! Nana!!" never left young Jisung's mouth as soon as his eyes opened up to invite the day.

Dana watched the uncontrollable excitement of Jisung that was all over his body as he jumped up and down on the carpet.

"Jisung ah, wait. I will take you there soon" she smiled and patted his soft hair as she knelt down to fix Jisung's sticker on his white shirt.

The day was finally made for Jisung to meet up with his longing Nana and it was truly beautiful to see the two souls being overly happy just to see each other again. Terrible fate was to be blamed for their temporary seperation but now that they have suceeded to overthrow the unluckiness, Jisung was more than satisfied to be able to live with Jaemin again.

On the other part of the city, there sat an excited Jaemin on a hospital bed, waking up earlier than usual just to welcome his other baby who can make him smile just from the presence.

He woke up since five in the morning due to the fresh feeling but Jeno wasn't. The man was sleeping, unbothered by his surrounding as if the guests' sofa in the room was his own bed.

Jaemin let out a small chuckle at how Jeno stopped snoring for a while to change his side to sleep. His dark hair freely stuck out everywhere on the pillow and clear face popped up as smooth as a fabric. The bridge of his high nose confidently defined the morning beauty and Jaemin admitted he was blessed to witness it.

Jeno's looks were always captivating to him. His strict eyes were the ones Jaemin was familar with but these days, Jeno was looking much more like a fluffy puppy due to his innocent eyes. Unlike the old days, Jeno's thick eyebrows weren't stressed to much anymore. He relaxed them in a line and that must have caused his pretty eyes to bring out less strict vibes.

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