Needing You The Most

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Chapter 4 | Needing You The Most

"He misses you"

"I think he needs you the most right now"

Jaemin's mind is consumed with the words Dana told him this morning. Of course, he isn't truely convinced into what she said. She could be wrong. In this case, she is more than sure to be wrong. This is Jeno they were talking about and he didn't stand a chance to be missed or to be needed by Jeno.

But the fact that Jeno has been drinking out and staying late while overworking in an unhealthy schedule worries him. He wouldn't bare to see Jeno being sick and there is no way he can take care of the man right now. His current situation won't allow him to.

"I think he needs you the most right now"

He feels suffocated inside, almost tightening to the point where he couldn't process his mind.

Was Dana saying the truth? Or...did she assume what Jeno is really thinking? But..what would he need me for? More hate to bury on? Because I ran away without taking more blames from him? Do I really deserve more of his hatred? Am I doing something wrong...again?

"I don't know what you think about me but...please take care of yourself Jeno-ah.."

If anything happens to you, you will break my heart even more.


"What do you think of this Injun?"

"It's pretty cute but I like this moomin one better"

"Yeah of course, you chose that!"

"But that's what you asked me to do!"

Yangyang sighs looking at the two. They have been arguing nonstop ever since they arrived back from the mall. While Jaemin argues from the bed he's been sitting on, Renjun talks back from across the room. They are acting like two kids having a quarrel but won't leave each other's sight in case something happens to the other. They are being like this probably because Renjun was absent for a week from Jaemin due to the family meet-up across the town. They probably missed each other.

"Baby..calm down..You know Jaemin is pregnant and he often gets mood swings like this" Yangyang pats Renjun's soft hair and pecks on the top of his head.

The Chinese cools down a bit. He wasn't angry as much as he sounded like. It was just natural to argue with Jaemin.

"So Jaemin..You sure these are all the things you want to send to Jisung?" Yangyang turns to ask.

"I don't know what else I need more." He carefully checks the item in the box and folds the moomin pajamas neatly again while placing on top of the pile.

"I am sure these are more than what he needs" YangYang walks to the bed and seals the box while carrying in his hands.

"Babe you staying or coming with me?"

He asks the pouting Renjun as he walks pass by him.


"Okay..I'll be right back. Anything you need?" As Renjun shakes his head, he slowly kisses him on the lips and turns to Jaemin. "Jaemin?"


"Okay. Don't argue too much. The baby can hear all of what you two are saying" Yangyang chuckles and leaves the room.

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