Chapter 2

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I woke up early to another note.

Tomorrow we take you to Hades. -Your master.

I crumpled it, sending it up in flames. I pushed my hair out of their ponytail, shrugging on my black hoodie over the ripped jeans and looked critically in the floor-length dirty mirror. I was tall, lean and olive. There were no special words to describe me, everything about me was boring.

Except for my eyes, unless you are standing close or you have good vision, they were half Saphire and half the ice blue, otherworldly colours. They glow in dark and I could see in the night.

That vampire, Hector was right, they were natural and not some contact lens.

I thought bitterly before making my way out of the basement, Master and Madam were out. I listened closely, allowing a smile to curl my lips. I took the stairs two at a time, bursting into his room.

"Ash!" I said, almost yelled at the sight of him tucked in his armchair, reading a book. His name left my mouth in a way that his parents can't say. He looked up from his book and passed me a gentle smile.

"Why haven't you woke me up, if you knew those bitches are out?" I said, sitting on the couch opposite to him. His smile didn't waver, "I knew you were home back yesterday late, didn't want to disturb you."

I shrugged, the smile leaving me, "They are taking me tomorrow." And just like that, his smile left him too, "I won't allow it."

"They are my parents," I said, the lie tasting bitter on my tongue.

"No, they are my parents. They are pieces of shit to you and now they are trading you with someone we don't even know. I hate them so much." He said quietly, not really understanding what I am saying. Despite his words, despite how much I wanted them to be true, there was no hate in his tone, only anger.

He closed his book and stood up.

I grimaced, "Fuck them right now, let's go to the market." He stared at me for a second before nodding.

No matter how much he wants to argue, they are his parents. He can't go against them, he loves them too much for that. I smiled bitterly, why would he? For a girl like me? I was nothing more than his friend and he could have many more. I reminded myself, no matter what, he is my friend and will remain as such. No need to drag him into my life when he doesn't want to.

No matter how much I want to.

After all, I don't matter.

I touched his shoulder and transported us to the busy market of Styx, immediately assaulted by a number of smell and music which were so second nature that I didn't almost noticed it. I grew up in these streets, nothing it can do surprise me.

I looked back at Ash and a tall dude with white hair in a braid collided with him. I reconised him instantly, "Hector, fancy seeing you here again." I said smoothly, blocking Ash from his range.

He smirked at it, "Oh if it isn't barbie-gone-emo from yesterday."

I cracked up a smile at it, "Oh yeah? And you have a wide array of emotional capablities of a teaspoon."

He shook his head, disappointed, "And here I thought you had better material. You stole that from Hot Topic too?" He raked my clothes with mock disgust.

"Sorry if isn't upto your standard, you highness, next time when I decide to join your boyband, I will come up with better material." I returned his disgust full gaze and stared pointedly at his hair.

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