Chapter 4

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The art goes to the artist!


The next day, Y/N went back to the beach happily. She had this time different clothes on. She decided to give Bumblebee lovely attention. She walked towards the edge of the bridge and sat down, setting her feet in the water. She then waited a bit for a cute crush. And just like that, he appeared right in front of her.

Y/N smiled. "Hey, cutie."

Bumblebee chirped while smiling dreamily.

Y/N then patted her lap. "Come here. How about I give you attention?"

Bumblebee chirped happily and laid his head on her lap while he wrapped his strong arms around her. Y/N smiled and giggled while she stroked his head and face. "Who's a cutie? Who's a cutie?"

Bumblebee chirped happily and snuggled. He was just so in love with his rescuer. She was the first human that he ever met. When he got stuck in a net and got wounded, he was so scared. He was just a Merformer that lived underwater in a pack. But when he got freed by Y/N, he understood that not all humans were bad. She was protecting Bumblebee by keeping his existence a secret.

Y/N left soft kisses like on the head and cheek, causing Bumblebee to purr louder. Y/N laughed while giving Bumblebee attention. The Merformer couldn't help but rest his head on her lap. Y/N then spoons his arms and shoulders. She then noticed that Bumblebee fell asleep while purring. Y/N giggled and let him take rest while petting and spooning him. She forgot once by accident to tell Bumblebee her name. It must be like that because Y/N was busy helping Bumblebee and she had a lot of fun with him.

When Bumblebee didn't know her name, he simply pointed at her. Y/N didn't understand at the beginning, but she later understood why he pointed at her. He wanted to know her name. And she simply told him. She remembered how Bumblebee squealed because he found her name beautiful.

Y/N wondered if Bumblebee had buddies. She asked him about it and he nodded, which means that he had buddies underwater. She wondered how many. Maybe she'll meet them one day? Also, Bumblebee was once caught by a Merformer femme warrior named Arcee. Seh caught Bumblebee and Y/N together that she told Optimus about it. Optimus was the leader of the pack. He was the large one. If you met him, you would be fascinated.

Bumblebee eventually had to tell the whole truth to the team that he was meeting up with his rescuer a lot. He even told them that he was in love. Once he also explained that you weren't bad, they believed it and allowed the scout to meet up with you. But they gave also a warning that the Decepticons will find out and Y/N must be kept safe. Bumblebee made a promise to protect you. And he was still keeping it.

My Cute Mer (Mer! Bee x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora