15 - The Videos

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We all sat around feeling pretty disappointed and sorry for ourselves seeing as Casa Amor had just beaten us,
"You know, if we had won I still wouldn't have been able to drink cocktails," Jess said as I nodded and rested my head in Paiges lap,
"You and me both sister," I mumble as we heard my stomach roar making me remember that I had only had the coffee in the morning and an ice lollie,
"You hungry?" Paige asked as I nodded,
"Dinner is here," we heard Rebecca yell as she brought a box of pizza in with the help of Jordan,
"Have you told Alexi yet?" Paige whispered to me as we walked over to the kitchen to get food,
"Told me what?" We turned around to see a very confused Alexi standing right behind us,
"Could we talk after dinner?" I asked as he nodded and walked off,
"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was behind us," It was obvious that Paige was being apologetic,
"It's fine love don't worry about it, this has just helped me get my arse into gear and actually tell the boy," I explained to her as she pulled me into a hug.
As we all ate I tried to figure out how I was possibly able to tell Alexi that I in fact did not want to pursue anything with him,
"Do you have a moment?" I asked him as he nodded and we got up to walk over to the pool,
"So I apologize for not telling you this sooner but I want to pursue something with a boy in the other villa, but with that being said I will be bringing you back because I believe that you deserve a shot," I explained to him as he nodded,
"Amoreena I appreciate the honesty but you don't owe me anything so you can do what you'd like with your love life," he explained as he got up and walked over to the kitchen,
"I think that went surprisingly well," I said to myself as I put my face in my hands,
"Girly as long as you are happy it's all that matter," Paige said as she walked over and rubbed my back,
"So you sleeping out here tonight?" She asked as I nodded,
"Sure, why not," I let out a laugh as she smiled,
"It's like a sleepover with the three musketeers," she joked as Siânnise let out a laugh having had been near us.
The night had continued on and it was finally time to head to bed,
"Reena you're going to love the set up we have out there," Siânnise stated as we wondered outside for the final time of the night,
"What is it then?" I asked feeling slightly curious,
"We all sleep in our own bed and we cuddle the pillows," Paige explained as I laughed,
"Well goodnight girlies," I smiled as Paige threw me another pillow.
It was already quite late into the day when the cameramen showed up to start filming us,
"You think they came from Casa Amor?" Jordan asked me as I nodded,
"Probably," I said with a mouth full of berries,
"Guys I have a text!" I yelled out hoping that it wasn't another challenge and waited for the girls to come closer so I could read it and not have to yell,
"So tonight there will be a recoupling where you will get the choice to either stick with your current partner or bring a new boy into the villa, now remember the original boys will also have to make the decision. To help you watch this video," I read out as we all huddle around the phone and clicked play on the video,
(For both videos it will be represented in bold)
"Have you seen the new girls," Callum smiles to a boy who looks like Finn,
"Can I kiss you?" A gorgeous new girl asked Luke M as he nodded,
"I want to retry things with her," Finn explained to mike as he smiled.
And just like that the video ended and I felt absolutely gutted seeing Luke M cracking on with another girl,
"Like I know that we aren't a thing but like seeing that hurt,"
Now just a five minutes drive away there was the other villa where the boys where about to receive some news too.
"I got a text!" Mike yelled out as he had just finished a conversation with Priscilla,
"Islanders tonight there will be a recoupling where you will be able to choose to either stick with your original girl or bring one of these girls back, but remember the girls at the original villa will also be making this decision. In case you need help making your decision watch this video," He finished reading out as all of the boys ran to see what could possibly be so important on this video.
"I think I might try things with him again," Paige smiles as all of the girls squeal,
"I didn't think I'd feel like this," Siânnise pouts in front of the camera in what looks like the beach hut,
"There's an OG villa boy," Amoreena tells the girls and it looks as though it wasn't look any Paige told the girls about her feelings.
"Holy shit the guys are coming back," I smiled realizing that I would be seeing Luke again,
"Let's go get dressed then," Demi proposed as we all nodded,
"So will you finally tell us who the original villa boy is?" Jess asked as I grabbed a dress out of my cupboard,
"If you must know it's Luke M, but please don't say anything to anyone even any of the new girls," I begged as they all nodded,
"You and him would make cute kids," Paige state in a calm tone as everyone agreed,
"I just like the boy, I'm not have his babies anytime soon," I scoffed as I went and got dressed,

————————"Holy shit the guys are coming back," I smiled realizing that I would be seeing Luke again,"Let's go get dressed then," Demi proposed as we all nodded,"So will you finally tell us who the original villa boy is?" Jess asked as I grabbed a d...

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"Well one this is for sure, he will love you in that dress," Rebecca smiled as I started fixing my hair,
"And Jordan will love you in that," I teased back as she turned a bright red,
"So does everyone know what they are going to do?" Jess asked as we all nodded,
"Come on then let's go," Paige said as we all got up and made our way back down to the fire pit, to see the new boys and Laura waiting down there,
"Girls will you please sit down around the fire pit please."
Couples currently stand as
Demi - Single
Amoreena - Alexi
Paige - Single
Siânnise - Luke T
Rebecca - Jordan
Callum - Molly
Finn - Single
Nas - Eva
Mike - Priscilla
Jess has just chosen to get together will Ched as we waited to see Luke M bringing in the girl that he was making out with in the video,
"As you can see Luke has chosen to bring Natalia with him and Jess has chosen to couple up with newcomer Ched," Laura explained the obvious to us all as she left and Biggs got a text,
"Biggs, Josh and George as you were not chosen you must pack your bags and leave immediately," he read out as we all got up and started helping them,
"I missed you," I felt someone whisper into my ear as their arms went around my waist,
"Give me a hug," I turned around and smiled seeing that Luke M was back there,
"So how's Natalia?" I asked removing myself from the hug remembering that he now has a new girl,
"She's really nice, I think you'd like her,"
"Probably not love,"

Next time on Love Island:
"Medical attention"
"She fancied me"
"You have to tell him"

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