Chapter 2| Albus?

Start from the beginning

A little bit further in the forest...

"Do... you... EVER... stop... eating?!" Hermione shouted at Ron.
"i... m...ngr...y" Ron mumbled with their mouth still full of a squirrel they caught in the woods.

"Right... have you read those books I gave you already?"
"Bloody hell, how do you even expect me to read a book with no pictures in it?"
Hermione was perplexed, does Ron even care about saving the world?

"You two are really something, don't you think so Severus?" Draco entered the cabin with some fresh hunted squirrels and a fox. Even tho he's an undercover rebel, he does enjoy to be around them. Snape sighed and took the animals from him.
"Have you heard anything new?" Draco asked.
"The last thing I heard was some rumor about Scorpius going mental. He suddenly thought there was an other student named Albus at Hogwarts." Snape said.
The rebels all stopped with what they were doing and looked at Snape.
"C... could it ... be?" Ron asked.
"Ron, nobody, not even Dumbledore, could return from death!" Hermione added.
"The man was powerful, who knows what he could do!" Mikayla added.
Hermione looked at Mikayla with envy. She didn't trust her at all, not after she knew her parents were death eaters.

"I don't know who he meant, but I'm sure Voldemort would like to find out" Snape said in a disturbing way.
"Locate the kid and try to find out more about it!"
"I will, Hermione!" Draco said. Scorpius is his son, it would be easy to find out what happened.

Draco left the cabin and the rebels started to prepare their meal. They all felt a little bit uncomfortable. Something was about to change soon, but they couldn't tell if it was good or not...

Ron went to their bed and took a small box under it. They opened it and went through it.
It were pictures of their family and friends. From when Ron and Harry were still little kids, or when Fred and George were caught with a prank.
They smiled and a tear rolled down their face.

"I miss them too." Ron startled, turned around and saw Mikayla walking towards them, taking the picture of George.
"He really was like a brother to me." She said. "I'll never forget how Molly took me into your house like I was one of you."
"Well... you have the right hair color" Ron joked, as they both wiped tears of their faces.
Mikayla smiled, "you're a good person Ron."
"you too!"
"Are... are you scared?"
They looked at her for a second and said: "we have Hermione, as long as we have her we'll be safe!"

Hermione walked into the room.
"Ron showing feelings, is it really?" Hermione said, she looked a little bit jealous.
"Seems like someone is on their period..."
"Blimey girl..." Ron said.

"She's just messing with you Ron" Makayla said while she smirked at Hermione.
"You wanted some fun, right" Hermione added.

Ron rolled their eyes and closed their box of photos.

Back at Hogwarts, the Slytherin common room wasn't as quiet as always. Students were out talking, walking and being a chaotic mess. What was going on?

"No! It's NOT Dumbledore. Everyone know he's dead..." Sky shouted at Alpheus.

"Are you DUMB? Who ELSE do YOU know with the name 'Albus'?!" She shouted back.
It seemed like discussion night was back on the weekly schedule.

Sky and Alpheus were stating their cases as good as they could until a voice echoed through the tower.
"SILENCE!" it was Rowena, "you, both, to my office, NOW! The rest off to bed."
They followed the teacher while the rest of Slytherin house went to their rooms.

"Why do you both keep fighting?" Rowena asked.
Sky and Alpheus started at each other for a moment and then back to Rowena.

"We can't have any purebloods fighting with each other. We need to stick together so we can form an united front against the mudbloods. Am I making myself clear?"

They both nodded.
"I... Said.. Am... I... Making myself CLEAR!?" She shouted.
"Y-Yes Ma'am!" they stuttered.
Rowena nodded and the students went to their rooms.

"I'm sorry if I seemed angry with you. It was just the heat of the moment"
"it's alright, I'm sorry too."
"D..Do you want to have breakfast together tomorrow?"
"I'd love to!"

They both didn't have many friends.

Delphi entered the Slytherin dorm. She might run this school with her father but she still had to take classes. She shared a room with her friend Skylark Greyberry, Sky for short, at first they wouldn't seem a great match but they quickly became fond of eachother.

"Went to play happy family again Delph?"
"Well, Sky, don't be jealous. You can adopt Nagini if you want a family so badly"
"That naked, slimy dog? I'll pass, thank you very much"
"C'mon, she's almost as slimy as you"
"Very funny Delph, got that humor from your father?"

They both smiled at each other.
"I need your help looking through some stuff in the library tomorrow."
"Are you transferring to Ravenclaw next week?"
"No, I just need to do some work for my dad."
"Ask me tomorrow again - right now, I want to go to bed."
"Alright, night Sky"

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