Chapter 10 Christmas Evening!

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  "Okay, everyone! Tonight is a special night. We're all going to the 'O Hotel' for Christmas Buffet dinner with your parents!" announced Mr. Ward happily.

"Yes. No revolting school dinner." whispered Eocar to his friends.

"THIS IS GONNA BE AMAZING!!" shouted Benson.

A few minutes later...

"Alright, students. Time to go!" shouted Mrs. House signaling the students to get on the bus.

"WOO-HOO!" shouted Andrew as he fastened his seatbelt.



"Greetings! Welcome to the famous 'O Buffet'!" said Ms. Will with a black leather jacket, "We hope you enjoy the high-quality and delicious food. Have fun!"

"Okay. Settle down everyone. Find your seats please." said Mr. Ward loudly, who was wearing a navy blue jacket, which he did for special occasions, "Today, we have June to lead the prayer."

  June steps out of her seat, and began confidently, "Thank you Lord for these food and drinks, which gives me pleasure, energy and strength. Please help us to be a better person, willing to share all I have with others. Amen."

  "Thank you, June." said Mr. Ward as everyone appaluded.

  After that, Michael, Landon, Markus, Kyle, Dave and a few others quickly stepped out of their seats and rushed towards the food counter with their plates.

"WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! TEACHERS AND GIRLS FIRST!" said Mr. Ward as he pushed the boys aside.

"WHAT?! That be (is) it. I'll (I'm) goes (going) to seeg (sing) 'Spectator' of (by) Aidan Runner." said Shawnison randomly.


This is some parts of the original song:

by Aidan Runner

How's it going? Can't you hear me? As I shout out your name? Goodbye! Goodbye! Don't you hate me? Before I fly away, is this the land I shout home? To search what I've become. Run along the way unknown, to find what you have lied! Deep in the dark there is nothing bright. There's a dog beside me. It may belong to another side. Let's eat this cherry pie. (repeat again)


Meanwhile, almost everyone was staring at him. Shawnison was standing on a purple table and using someone else's spoon as a pretend microphone.

"Shawnison! That's enough." said Mr. Ward impatiently, "For your punishment for singing too loud (as this is not the first time), I will help you get your dinner."

"Yeaaaa..." said Shawnison.

"But, it would be all green vegetables and healthy stuff." said Mr. Ward.

"Oh..." he said sadly.

"Let the feast commence!" said Dr. Pripal talking in a chrome microphone.

"Yeah!" shouted Aidan grabbing a plate, heading towards the Italian food counter to get pizza.

"I want some sushi!" said Andrew excitedly.

"Me too!" said Susan.

Matthew, Mr. Tpeh, Michael, Tommy and some others started with some meat and eggs.

June, Jane, Susan and some others went for some cheese and drank some soup.

Dr. Teach, Judy, Kate and some others went entirely for vegan food.

Eocar, Benson and Andrew all went for some fish (especially salmon, which was their absolute  favorite) and also some noodles.

Everyone ate their food with joy and content(even Shawnison, who wasn't particularly fond of veggies).


After the meal...

"Now, everyone please return to your seats." announced Dr. Pripal, "We are going to have a Lucky Dip! Like all Lucky Dips, the winners that are lucky enough will get awesome prizes."

"The Lucky Dip begins now!" announced all the teachers from the other side. 

Dr. Pripal walked towards the Lucky Dip machine, and announced the first winner.

"Our first lucky winner is... ANGELA!!"

"YESSS!" she said, as she claimed her shiny new pencil case.

"The second prize goes to... EOCAR!!" announced Dr. Pripal.

"LET'S GO!!" said Eocar, claiming his colorful new markers he can use for drawing dinosaurs.

"Our third prize goes to..." announced Dr. Pripal, "DAVE!!" 

"WOO-HOO! I got the stickman action figure!" said Dave proudly as he ran back to his seat.

"Our fourth prize goes to... Kayla!" announced Dr. Pripal.

"YAY!!" said Kayla, who got awarded her new artbook.

Then, Dr. Pripal announced the winner of the Grand Prize.

"The winner is..." said Dr. Pripal.

Everyone is patting their thighs to make a drumroll sound.

"LANDON!!" shouted Dr. Pripal grandly.


After Landon got his his fingers on his awards, all the girls went chasing after him because of the prizes they wanted.

"Welp." said Matthew.

"MINE!" said Shinaia.

"MINE!" said Sindy.

"MINE!" said Alice.

"NO, IT'S MINE! IT'S MINE! MINE!" shouted all the girls.

"WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! CALM DOWN EVERYONE!" said Mrs. House as she stopped the fight.

After all the girls used up all their "sugar-high bar", Shawnison protested,

"That's nut (not) fiar (fair)! I shued (should) has (have) winned (won) thats (that)!" he said, crossing his chubby arms, "I love pink, epecally (especially) the koran (Korean) girl sangeng  (singing) bann (band) called 'StygianPink' (will be explained in Chapter 12...) 


After a few minutes...

"Alright! Time to go back to the dormitory, everyone! Hope you enjoyed the dinner!" ordered Mr. Ward.

"Okay!" everyone replied.

"Woo-hoo!" said Dave, "This has to be the. Best. Week. Ever. I won a prize, had an exquisite dinner, and most importantly, Christmas holiday starts next week!"

"YEAH!" everyone else said happily.

And that was a merry Christmas dinner for everyone.  

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