Chapter 9 Whole School Congee (you'll see why in the trivia)!!

Începe de la început

Hiding near the ramp close to the hall, Jimmy was hiding really successfully.

"Yeah, nobody can find me..." said Jimmy wickedly.

Unfortunately, Elizabeth was running along the ramp, and heard someone talking. Then, she realized it was Jimmy. Jimmy was then caught by Elizabeth.

Chunky, who wasn't tagged yet because he could outrun Sindy, loudly sang 'Lootful Pie' again, to distract Landon from tagging Kyle.

But, in a split second, Matthew came out of nowhere and tagged Chunky.

"GG!" said Chunky.

"Yep." said Matthew.

Kyle used his superior mobility to evade Eocar, and therefore made Eocar tired and he required rest. Again.


Meanwhile, close to the classroom...

All of the survivors (including June and Jane which were previously hiding near the stairs) were hiding there. Since the rules of the game was not to enter the classroom, nobody went in.

"We're probably safe right now, right?" asked Markus.

He was terribly wrong.

"Ahoy, ye all!" said Michael, trying to sound like a pirate, "What magic that we came here!"

"Oof. I was wrong. Bye!" said Markus.

"I'll go..." said Eocar.

"Nah! I'll go." interrupted Matthew.

He outran Markus and tagged him.

"SCATTER!!" shouted the survivors.

They all ran, but the premiere speedsters of the school: Matthew and Michael, were all tired.

"Here. We. Go." said Shinaia while panting.

"No need to run man." said Alice, "The speed demons are resting! Nothing can stop us!"

"Well I'm gonna play safe, so I'M JUST GONNA RUN!!" said Jane.

Tag! Alice got tagged by Markus.

"Sorry for underestimating you guys." said Alice guiltily.

"It's fine." said Tommy kindly.

Scattered around the block D (the building where the 6A classroom is), they all looked down towards the 13 taggers. The majority of them came up the stairs.

"They're coming!" said Victor.

"Oh no. The speedsters are coming too!" said Ally.

Little did Ally know, Matthew and Michael were actually hiding under the platform where Ally was standing, but their stealth might be gone. They were giggling to loud and...

"Ah! There you guys are!" said Ally as she ran back up, "Whoops!"

"Aw, come on!" said the two.

Right after that, Tommy ran towards Susan, and caught her.


"Nice one there!" said Victor, who couldn't resist saying that.

Tommy looked over, and caught Victor as he was talking to Tommy.

 Tag! Ally got caught by Victor.

Tag! Dave got caught by Ally.

Tag! Stacy got caught by Shinaia.

Tag! Jane got caught by Sindy.

"LET'S GO TO THE HALL!" shouted June, who said that to purposely mislead the taggers.

"Okay, June!" said the survivors, who understood June's plan right away.

They went towards the hall, but stayed near the staircase to the hall which lead the canteen (they didn't go there because they didn't want to get punished)

"They went this way!" said Benson to the taggers.

Kayla came out and went to check out if there were any taggers outside, but she got tagged instead.

"Agh! GG!" said Kayla to Elizabeth who caught her.

After dodging Kayla's attempts to tag them, the survivors came out safely.

"We're safe now right?" asked Adrien.

They were. Or were they?

Suddenly, Rachel, Angela and Stacy all raided their hiding spot.

Tag! Adrien got tagged by Angela.

Tag! Kyle got tagged by Stacy.

Tag! Kylie got tagged by Rachel.

Aiden and June were the only survivors!

They escaped to the hall.

Aiden went to hide behind a timpani (a huge drum), while June, because of her height, made it difficult to find a spot to hide. So she randomly found a spot and hid there. It was behind the stacked chairs.

When the 30 taggers (including Shawnison) went to the hall, they were searching everywhere for the 2 survivors. 

Kyle saw June's forehead sticking out of the stack of chairs, and told Eocar to go tag her.

Tag! June got tagged by Eocar.

Aiden was the winner!

"GG everyone!" said Aiden, who said it just in time when the bell rung for lunch.

"We have rice with capsicum, and no meat for today." announced Aiden, who knew the lunch everytime.

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