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"I choose no one. I am fully capable to look after myself. I am honoured to have them look out for me but to go as far as staying with me throughout the whole day without any sense of privacy is something I cannot accept." The room turned silent as Kuroda Rui chuckled and Masahiko Rin showed an amused face, the empress looked as if she was about to murder me. Ahhh.. What have I gotten myself into again?  "If that is what you want, it shall be granted. However, you will be inside the palace at all times until unless you have one of the two princes with you." The emperors. Words carried elegance and power. After doing a final bow I made my way towards the back far from the royal family and the powerful clans, in a corner where I was less likely to be seen or approached. This looks like a scene out of a movie... I would not be surprised if out of nowhere some ladies or high-status people were to come up to me to insult me indirectly. It's hard pretending to enjoy the ball when in reality I would do anything to leave. The Emperor announced he will now start the welcome ceremony for me. How long do I need to stay in this?  The guests started mumbling and even more entered the room as time passed. Oh look!  Drama... Yaaay!  (notice the sarcasm) Few court ladies came near me "Greetings, blessed child." One spoke out, she looked radiant with her bob cut hairstyle and elegant smile as she pets the animal in her hand. "I mean no harm; my name is Fumiko. I'm from the Imagawa clan, I was one of the people selected to be by your side. I was hoping to get to know you and tell you about the customs, if you do not mind." She looked like a goddess, for a moment I had forgotten to even breathe. Is everyone this beautiful? 

| OPTION 1: Politely accept and go out |

| OPTION 2: Smile and walk away |

| If you picked option one | "Greetings Fumiko, that would be great." the conversation started from that and lead me to become apart of the group. We talked about our like and dislikes, what we like to do in our free time as well as gossip about what everyone was wearing. There was a time I felt a chill run through me, it was one of those bad, really bad feelings. Lady Fumiko looked absolutely stunning and honestly seemed as if she was main highlight of the day. Though Lady Fumiko and her group were really nice to speak to, throughout the whole thing it just felt really uncomfortable and King was getting really restless. "Pardon me, I need to get some air" I turned and walk away. Without realising I had entered the Rose garden.

| If you picked option 2 | I smiled in response and turned away from her, only to hear the ones behind her say "Ignore her, Lady Fumiko. She does not deserve your attention or help" Whilst the other one said "She thinks she's above all just because she has a power. I would not be surprised if in some time we hear about her being a witch or so." Only if they understood it's not just some power... They could potentially die if I were to feel even a bit of discomfort. King is possessive, he would not like his mistress feeling threatened after all. Thus, I turned and walked towards the Rose garden.

The Emperor had this made for his late Queen Rose, she loved roses and would spend most of her time in the garden. She was unable to bare any children for his majesty however, she was loved by everyone. Her power was the same as the Empress, she could do anything with the favour she had with the dowager Empress, Emperor but she just stayed low loving her husband, caring for the poor and tending to her garden personally. I wish someone could love me so much that they would give me the power to do as I wished. I want to escape from this place, it feels like I 'm being suffocated. No one likes me they are just cosying up to me because I am the blessed child. "King" I whispered slowly. King appeared before me and slithered onto my lap hissing softly. "I guess you want me to pet you, huh" King nodded and I started petting him gently. "King, do you think we can get away from all this" He looked at me as if I had just said the most absurd thing ever. Though I do not remember much about my previous life "I still want to go back" I hold Kings head right in front of mine "I love being with you King. You make me feel safe and protected but I just feel like I am missing something important. It's like I have a whole in my heart." I put King back into his position on my lap and look up into the sky "Do you think that people become stars when they die?"

"Are you talking to yourself?"

| OPTION 1: Ignore the voice and continue speaking to King |

| OPTION 2: Turn around to look at who it is |

| If you picked option 1 |  Ignoring whomever said that, I turned towards King "King, there seem to be people in this garden other than us, it seems they do not see you nor realise you are a soul spirit. Show yourself, do you not know it is rude to come from behind. If King was not seated on my lap, he may have attacked you for startling me."

| If you picked option 2 | A voice from behind said startling me. Turning around I saw the most handsome person yet; he was dressed simple however his aura matched the Emperors. Why would such a person be a servant. "I know I am handsome but there's no need to stare at me so intently. People may think you are in love with me instead." Is he speaking to me?  I turned to look around but couldn't find anyone else. Oh... I could feel heat rising on my cheeks. He Probably thinks I'm weird. "I... Um... I was speaking to King.". He raised his perfectly arched eyebrow and "King? I haven't heard of anyone named King nor did I see anyone whilst you were talking. Parden me but are you feeling alright?" I was fully red by the time he had finished. "King is my soul spirit; I can speak to him without him having to show himself. Not many can understand what he is saying." I turned towards King and asked him to show himself. "See? This is King" 

The mysterious man looked at me with amused eyes and then at King with eyes filled with excitement. I wonder why... "SSsss mistress he has a weird feeling to him let's keep our distance from him ssSS." I looked up to see the aura of that man is dark. It was as if he was one with the darkness... Hmm. He looks even alluring though. We stayed silent for a while with myself petting King and looking up at the stars thinking about how things were before I come to this place. I thought about the time I would stay up to read fan-fictions, go to discover new places with my friends and was allowed to wear whatever I wanted without the clothing being said to be inappropriate. I looked at King who was purring. I'm lucky to have him by my side in this place where I know not who is my friend or enemy. I wish I was reborn into games or stories I had actually read, so that I would know what will be happening and how to avoid it If I did not like what became of my life. Ahh... I'm bored, there's nothing I can entertain myself with, there no phone, laptop, computer and the worst part is I can't even bake to kill some time as I am a lady with high status it is frowned upon for me to be in the kitchen or in fact doing chores a servant could do. I seemed to have forgotten I have company; I sneaked a peek to see if the man from before was still standing or had long gone since it's rude to ignore though he didn't inform me of his presence nor told me his name but he gives good company. I do. Not have to worry about what I need to say or do since we just sit in silence, thinking about whatever. That reminds me I do not know his name... I should ask him his name. King is correct, we should keep our distance from him... Though it would be wise to ask him about his name, so I can ask about this person.

| OPTION 1: Ask his name directly |

| OPTION 2: Introduce yourself and ask for his |

| If you picked option 1 |"What is your name?" He seemed to snap out of his daze and looked at me "It is not polite to ask for a name when you haven't introduced your life, young miss" The realisation hit me that I'm lost in the ancient era I was too preoccupied with his beauty and King.. That I forgot I was being rude. I hope he won't tell anyone... AHH I still haven't replied... Oh God what am I -  "Don't worry, I will not inform anyone." Pheww I think I'm saved from humiliating myself In front of others after all I have a reputation to behold. "Apologies, my name is ______ (y/n)" I said with an eye closed smile.

| If you picked option 2 | I turned towards the name with the correct posture, as people with low rank had to bow and considering the fact only the Emperor has a higher rank than myself, I do not need to bow down to him. "Greetings, my name is ____ (y/n)" I think It has been a while since I have been out here. I should go back before they start worrying where I am. It was a nice break away from everything. I take a deep breath and calm myself, mentally preparing myself to go back.

"_____ (y/n), the blessed child?" he questioned. I just smiled, leaving the questioned unanswered. "I must get going, people must be wondering where I am... Farewell, sir" I steadily got up and started to leave till a hand came into view and stopped me from going any further "My name is Akuma, my lady. I look forward to seeing you around. Next time we meet please call me by my name." He said as he put a rose in my hair. I gave a nod and walked back into the main palace. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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