Character Description

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Masahiko Rin

'Black Prince"

He is the Emperor's favoured son thus always having everyone's attention on him. At the age of 16 he defeated the opposition and was dubbed 'Crown Prince'. He has always led his Army to victory. He is dignified, cold and always stern. His Armies Moto is 'Ich Dein' Meaning I serve. He has no interest in the throne and at the age of 19 he stepped down from the crown prince position offering it to his younger brother which he thinks is more suitable for the throne as he would rather be on the battlefield than hide behind the soldiers. h e has his own personal Army and no concubine or wife.

Toshiaki Eito

The illegitimate child of the 'Taira Clan' head. He is a genius inventor and absolutely brilliant artist. He craves to be loved and honours his family above all. He is a talented, bright, kind-hearted child. Which would be prosperous in future. His favourite and most used line is "Forever and Always" meaning family above all forever and always. He has been bullied since he was a child. His mother was a maid passing by when his father got drunk and made her pregnant. Not long after giving birth she died leaving poor Eito behind suffering. However despite all that he still would do anything for his family.

Fujiwara Kei

The next in line for the Fujiwara Clan. He is extremely intelligent however pretends to be more of a fool as to not attract unwanted attention. He publishes novels under another pen name so no one can link it back to him. Later on his novels will be converted into plays which become really popular. His famous line is "Never Judge a book by it's cover" He looks gentle when in reality he has seen wars since he was young and would ruthlessly kill someone for moving things from their place. He has OCD and hates people invading his space. He is playmates with Masahiko Rin.

Shi Akuma

Akuma is his actual name. He is not of nobility as far as we know he is just a commoner. People find him the sweetest, kindest soul ever. He is adored in the neighbourhood and some nobles know about him and secretly help him out from time to time. He helps around as much as he can. He is from time to time seen in the imperial palace. He has connections everywhere but with different aliases. His parents were killed by the mysterious Shi. Shi is the name of the notorious murderer which is also him. Though no one knows. His most famous line is "Who would name their child Akuma? It's like they wanted me to become a demon."

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