Chapter 2~Captain Hydra is officially born |Old|

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Chen's PoV
   I was training long and hard I was doing flips to dodge some bullets and knives until I got close enough to the soldiers and killed them all with a single bullet. I flipped gracefully and landed onto my feet. (She learned gymnastics when she was four.) I was still holding onto the gun when more soldiers came in I begin going up them and kicking them in the face. I went up some and choked them to death with my legs.

Some I put in choke holds and snapped their necks. It was just a normal training session, nothing too hard. I got up and one of my leaders said, "этого достаточно для одного дня. (That's enough training for today)" I walked over to my cell unlocked it, opened it, walked in, and locked it. It was right besides James. I sometimes go to visit him. Though he rarely remembers me he only calls me Captain.

I sit on my bed and look at the kimono just laying there on the shelf, neatly folded up without a single scratch on it. "Hey you have a scheduled meeting with the leader. Wear this dress." The man said as he handed me the dress through the cell door. It was one of the ordinary black Soviet dresses. Usually one to keep warm so I knew I was going outside of this base. I put the dress on and left my cell.

I walked towards the door to outside. I was still wearing those brown boots (they're sort of like high heels but they're like boots just thought I let you know) but it made me look beautiful. A car was stopping right as I got out my leader also came out and said, "идем, товарищ. (Come on, comrade.)" I followed him towards the car. It was normal for me to go to meetings with him but today wasn't a usual day to be called to a meeting.

"Куда мы идем? (Where are we going?)" I ask he said, "to a meeting, товарищ, now come on." So I walked over to the car and sat right next to him. He tried to comfort me, but it wasn't working I was only getting more nervous since he pretends like I'm his wife. I felt it fade away when we stop. We got out and went to go see what this meeting was about this time.

I walked inside and almost instantly felt out of place. A Japanese and French woman in front of a bunch of Russians. I went to go look for the other wives so we could talk while we do some stuff for the men. After awhile we left. It felt weird still being beside my own leader and yet he treated me like his wife in front of other men.

We made it back and I went back to the cells and decided to go into James' cell and sleep beside him. James didn't mind finding me in his cell he thought it was actually adorable finding his soulmate in his cell. My leader didn't mind me being with my soulmate he just pretends to be my husband when necessary.

I grabbed onto his metal arm. It was nice and cold just the way I like to feel. A few years have passed now and I'm stuck with Hydra again. I was sent on a mission to assassinate this man. He was currently in a hotel so I needed to find out where he is. I spotted him within my scope for ten minutes but he left to the bathroom so I couldn't see him. The moment he came out I used my telekinesis to hold him in place then I shot him like he was nothing. To make it look like a more convincing death I pushed him out the window and watched him fall to his death.

I left without a word but I left the words 'Captain Hydra' with my own blood I flew back to base. I went back to my cell where my kimono still stood on the shelf. I look at it and think, 'will I finally be able to save myself from this life? I'm just acting like I'm with them but I know I'm not.' I looked over to the wall where my Winter Soldier was at.

A few more years pass and I'm working to stop the good shield agents from getting what they wanted. Me and James have been working with each other every once in a great while. But most Hydra agents like to put us as rivals since our kill counts were somewhat similar but ever since I took down an entire army of shield agents our kill counts end up being on different levels.

I walked through the base. Nothing really interesting happened. A few more years pass and James is lost to us and Hydra within Shield has fallen. I just couldn't help because they didn't call me in. I kept on assassinating people for Hydra.

Bucky's POV
I kept hold of that picture of the house that once belonged to Captain Hydra, I was looking for it in Paris while keeping the hood of my hoodie over my head. I eventually found it, it wasn't on sell but it was still in mint condition. I walked in and found all of her stuff. "Who the hell are you?!?!" Someone shouts I look behind me and saw it was her niece I said, "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here because I want to know what a soulmate was like. I have a photo of this house it's in black and white."

"My mother told me that her sister was the only one with the photo of this house that was in black and white she made a promise that she'll give it to her first soulmate she met. Where is she?" She said I muttered, "she's in my enemies hands, she's actually working against me, but not on her own free will." She gasped and began crying I consoled her.

I went up to her room and grabbed all of her things especially her journals I don't know why but she had fifty of them. Counting her twenty other journals that she had in the hydra base she had a total of seventy journals. She must be writing some important information in there. Anyways I shoved them in this duffel bag I have then I see a picture of her right next to her sister and mother.

I shoved it in my duffel bag. I need to be able to help her remember. I left with my duffel bag and I said to her niece, "I will help get your aunt back, trust me." "I believe you, sir it's fine." She responded as I left. I ran from the house and went to my home. I sat in the chair just a few minutes before a soldier banged my door down I grabbed the duffel bag again and ran out the back and going directly towards the airport.

I left to Japan. On the plane I felt a pair of eyes on me I look around and spotted Captain Hydra staring at me. I moved over to her and said, "is something wrong, Captain?" "I'm fine, just disappointed that I lost you to that Captain America." She explained I hugged her.

After we made it to Japan we went our separate ways.

Chen's PoV
I trained long and hard, killing the agents carefully and quietly. "That's enough training, Captain Hydra you are needed for a mission. (A few more years have passed.) I flew my way over there and found him giving out a speech so I shot him since it was propaganda bullshit. I used my telekinesis to choke him and snapped his neck.

I flew back over, I'm still amazed at how I got these wings. I went back into my cell and began writing in my journal about how everything went down, without a single detail left out. After I finished I got up in time for my leader to come in and say, "I want you to hunt down the Winter Soldier." "You think I'll be able to bring him back?" I ask as I look at him he nods.

I pack up my stuff including my journals and went to travel to his last known location. Last I was told he was with the avengers, so if I just take care of them, I'll be able to get him. I flew through the window of their tower and began fighting with Thor.

"Friday, alert the others that there is an intruder!" He shouted I flipped around and away from his hammer. I jumped onto his back and began choking him out. He almost hit me with his hammer but I grabbed it and tossed it away from him. "Du vinner aldri mot meg! (You'll never win against me!)" I shouted I heard a voice say, "Chen, try to remember yourself and your past. Try to forget about Captain Hydra and try to remember those happy days, you have a niece who is still looking for you."

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