Chapter 1~Chen gets captured |Old|

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Chen's PoV
I walked out to get some tea from the store as usual. I walked in and grabbed me some lemon tea payed for it and left. It was a normal day as I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Until nazi soldiers came over and pointed their guns at me. I was backing away as I'm afraid of guns but I back away a little too far that I fell off.

This is it. This is how I end. Afraid of guns so I back away in fear but fell to my death. I cry some tears before hitting the ground and falling into the depths of nothingness. I wake up so suddenly. I realised that I didn't die. I look around and see people touching these mechanical things.

"The subject is awake, what do you want us to do, Doctor Zola?" One said. Subject? "My name is Chen Abadie." I mumbled a man with a Swiss accent said, "yes I know that, they just prefer to call you subject, Chen." "What happened? where am I?" I ask.

"You are at my base and it seems that you had fallen from the Eiffel Tower out of fear and those mechanical objects right beside you, are replacing your arm and leg since they were removed from when you hit the ground." Another man with a thick German accent answered. "I lost my arm and leg?" I ask the Swiss man nodded but strange enough I still felt my arms and legs. I move my left hand and see the metal move.

I guess I have a metal arm and leg. "Huh it feels comfortable." I mumbled the Swiss man stabs a syringe into my leg and I begin to fade into a deep sleep. I wake up again and I'm in a cell this time, with a bunch of men. I realise that I'm wearing my Kimono or traditional Japanese dress.

"What the hell?" I shouted the soldiers move to look at me "hey are you alright? You were asleep for thirteen days." One asks I muttered, "yea I'm fine, ugh it feels like I'm just getting out of a hangover." "You are unique no doubt about it I mean you have a metal arm and leg also you kept floating up in your sleep we had to catch you fifty times." One said.

"Yea I know I'm unique. All my life I've been told that because of how I can pick things up with my mind." I muttered I used my mind to pick up one of the soldiers and said, "see?" I put him back on the ground carefully and got up. A nazi soldier comes over and drags me away.

I look at my surroundings and take it in. I was shoved onto this chair and restrained. I just sat there, not moving at all. These scientists come in at least that's what I think they're called. They come in and so does that Swiss man. This metal thing appears over my left eye and I immediately have a bad feeling about this.

The pain was unbearable but I bit back my urge to scream out in pain. "How incredible, you are capable of holding back your urge to scream in pain." The Swiss man said once it stops he begins saying something but I couldn't hear it.

I was fazing in and out of sleep. Until everything went black. I woke up falling to the ground I quickly caught myself with my mind. I got up and noticed I was in a cell but there were no soldiers this time. I walked around the cell while looking to see if there were soldiers. There were many soldiers in cells most of them were piled up and sleeping or at least trying to.

I sat down and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened I was waiting for what felt like hours. I got tired from waiting and went to sleep again. I woke up and this time I was dragged out. It was the same procedure for the past few days. I was also beginning to forget things. But I never forgot my name, what I mean to this world, and my powers.

I eventually gave up trying to fight but I felt something within me. Telling me to stand up and fight. Telling me to escape and evade capture. But most importantly telling me to remember that I am the woman who'll one day save the world. The last time of erasing my memories I stood in my cell and began breaking the bars with my mind. I ran out when there was a big opening.

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