Love and Money

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Mary took in a breath and braced herself for the hell she was about to receive. With every step she took, she was closer to the small home. She slowly stepped in. She found an angry old woman with her hands on her hips looking at her with a deadly stare.


"Don't you 'ma' me!" The old woman said angrily. "What did I tell you? Huh?"

Mary looked down at her feet in shame. "Not to steal."

"You were lucky Bash was there to help you," her grandma pointed out. Mary felt her face redden even more. The thought of Bash just made her flush. "I'm sorry, Ma," Mary apologized. "It's just- I'll do anything for you and Pa not to starve." Ma's look softened. "Mary, I understand that. You wanted to do a right thing but you approached it the wrong way, and that just made the whole thing wrong. Ya want food? Then work. All jobs are honorable, and stealing is not a job. You understand?" Mary slowly nodded. She wasn't going to push the subject. She wasn't going to point out that nobody would give her a job. It's not like she hasn't tried, but her dirty clothes, messy hair, and dirty face just chased all the opportunities of having a job away. It's not like she could shower everyday. She was lucky if she could shower twice every three weeks.

Her Ma sighed. "You're so much like your mum, you know that?" At the mention of her mom, Mary looked up at her Ma. "You are. She was wild and rebellious just like you."

"I'm not wild or rebellious," Mary defended herself.

"Yes ya are," Her Ma said more sternly. "And you were beautiful just like her." Mary heard the sadness creep into the Ma's voice. Mary swallowed. Her mom's death always hurt her Ma the most. Since Mary never got to meet her mom, she never really felt an extreme sadness. Her Ma let out a breath. "I think I need to rest. I feel dizzy." Mary knew that was her cue to stop talking and not to bother her. Mary nodded and retreated outside. She looked up at the blue sky. There were no clouds; there was just sunshine and a clear blue sky. Mary squinted at the brightness of the sun, and she wondered how long this beautiful weather would last.


The next morning she woke up feeling dizzy and with a headache. She didn't eat at all the last two days. She had the opportunity to eat the fruits she stole but she had lost her appetite. She was scared out of her wits because of what happened at the castle. Yet she still had to go apologize to Howard; the noble she stole from. Her Pa ordered her and Mary had no other choice.

Mary was patting Stanley when Bash came into view. He greeted her with a dashing smile, and Mary flushed in return.

"Where's your Ma?" he asked once he reached her.

"She and my Pa went to the spring to fetch some water," Mary said.

"Why didn't you go with 'em ?"

"Pa told me not to. He said I had to go apologize to Howard. I was about to leave."

Bash pursed his lips in disprovable. "I could do that for you," he suggested. Mary shook her head. "No. I can do it. I should do it."

Bash met Mary six years ago when he was 12, so he knew perfectly well how stubborn she could be. She was actually too stubborn for an 18 year old. "Let me go with you then," he compromised. She accepted his proposal eagerly. She didn't want to face the so called 'Howard' alone.

"Let me just go get my shoes," Mary said as she was about to make her way into the small shack. She had been leaning on Stanley all along, but as soon as she detached herself from him she lost her balance. Her vision blurred and Bash's hands were around her waist steadying her.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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