The Cupboard With The Drawings

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For the first four years of my life, my family and I lived in a townhouse. It wasn't a huge house but it was big enough for the 6 of us. There was a cupboard in our basement that I would always hide in. I thought I was clever because of the hiding spot. You see nobody really went in the cupboard making it the perfect for a small hyperactive toddler. Nobody ever found me when I hid in their either. They would always have to call Olly olly oxen free.

The cupboard was located between the downstairs bathroom and the couch we had in the basement. The inside of it was covered in drawings, the one I most vividly remember was a drawing of a little girl hanging by a noose around her neck holding a teddy bear. There were a lot of drawings so I figured it was one of my older siblings. Spoiler alert, it wasn't.

I had once ask my mama why the never found me and she told me "because we've looked everywhere and can't find you." So I told he that I always hide in the basement cupboard. This was the conversation where I found out the cupboard didn't exist. We did have one in our basement by the stairs but it was jam packed with storage, she told me that there was only one and I told her she was wrong.

I brought her down to the place where the cupboard was and it wasn't there anymore. Now you could chalk this up to a small child's imagination but I don't think my imagination is what made that cupboard come back when the put that house up for sale. My mama was shocked when she saw it because she had never seen it before. Now looking back at the memories of said cupboard I can tell you without a doubt that I wasn't alone in that cupboard, I never was alone in that home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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