Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Asami glared at the avatar in hostile anger. "I don't care, the guards can kill her and I would be able to sleep soundly for the rest of my life." The reply made Korra look at the woman in front of her as if she were offended. Asami was firm in her beliefs and Korra decided not to try talking her into it.

"Alright, well everyone who wants to help me, we're going to head south of here to the prison." Korra said, getting out her glider. The three kids followed the avatar downward, their airsuits expanding the hidden wings for them to glide behind her.

Tenzin followed with a large air glider and Asami stared down at them, her eyes cold when watching them go save the one who took away the only family she had.

The thought of Korra sticking up for the dictator made her angry. Pema saw the woman seething and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Korra has a good heart. She wouldn't be doing this if she wasn't certain that Kuvira changed."

Asami tried to calm herself down and she decided to go inside to change out of her gown into an airsuit. She looked down at herself and sighed, closing her eyes then opening them to stare blankly at the floor.

Korra and the others arrived to the prison and she told them the plan for getting Kuvira out. They all nodded and Korra went into the avatar state, breaking down the platinum walls with a violent force. When her eyes changed from white back to blue, she and Meelo both attacked the guards and knocked all of them out.

They seemed to be out of practice, but that only meant Korra had more of an advantage. Jinora and Tenzin waited for the new guards to make the first move before they worked together and took out all seven of them. Ikki ran to the cell Kuvira was in and saw one of the guards had a key.

She airbended the key off of his belt as he slept and put a finger to her mouth when Kuvira looked up in shock. The cell door quietly slid open and the rest of the group met up with the two of them. Korra went inside of the cell and smiled at Ikki, praising her. "What are you all doing here? I thought I meant nothing to you." Kuvira said with a pained expression. The avatar knelt in front of her and used the avatar state to melt off Kuvira's chains.

"They helped me because they trust me. The same way I trust you now." Korra said once back into her regular state. She stood and helped the prisoner up, feeling her legs give out from not being able to walk for a multiple number of months at a time.

As soon as everything seemed to be over, the strongest guard awoke to see the avatar back inside of the prison without an escort. He realized that the other guards called for back up while he was resting. He stood slowly and gave a menacing glare.

When Kuvira saw his cold unfeeling eyes, she started to scream uncontrollably, kicking and screaming, until Korra placed her thumb onto the flailing woman's forehead.

The screaming slowly stopped, but the metal bender looked as if she were brain dead after having her chi temporarily blocked. The guard fought against Tenzin and his family until he was able to knock the airbender's out one by one, putting his foot onto Tenzin's head and applying pressure.

Korra bolted over and kicked him square in the jaw, making him fall back and forget about the airbender. He got up and slowly walked towards Korra, throwing an unsuspecting fire punch that made her fall back. She tried to go into her avatar state, but for some reason she wasn't able to. The man stood over top of Kuvira and Korra, letting out a sadistic chuckle. He reared his fist back, only to stop in his tracks and freeze in place.

He slowly fell onto his knees and landed face down in front of the two women. Behind him was Asami, wearing her equalist electric glove and staring down at the prison guard angrily. "Asami!" Korra called out and stood to hug her waist tight. "I'm so sorry Korra. I will always help you, even when it hurts, I'll do what I can to help."

Kuvira tried to stand, but she was too weak. "Thank you..." she managed to choke out with a small voice. Asami glared at her coldly, but when the prisoner stared up at her with sincere gratitude and immense pain, the glare softened into just a frown. "Don't speak to me. I'm not ready to forgive you just yet."

Asami eased up on the poor woman when she saw the state she was in. Her armour was gone and she had a terrible smell, her hair was matted, she was covered in terrible scratches and bruises and her fingernails were dirty, skin and blood underneath of them, making Asami wonder if the scratches were an attack on the guards or herself.

Korra picked up Kuvira and walked with Asami and the others back to the temple, bringing Aang's old bison whistle to call Oogie from the temple to take them home. "I didn't think you'd come for me." Korra said quietly to Asami. "I love you, I can't abandon the person I care about the most. You are my only family now."

And with that, the large sky bison came down to fly them back to safety. Asami helped Korra place the injured people onto Oogie first, then got on themselves to ride back to the temple.

Kuvira sat up while on the saddle and stared at Asami. She was ignoring the fact that she was being stared at by the woman, trying to avoid a conflict. Suddenly, she felt two arms being wrapped around her in a weak hug, her eyes widening in shock.

"I am so don't have to forgive me, but just know that I never meant for anyone's lives to be lost. I know it's my fault. You have every right to hate me. But I will do anything in my power to make everything up to you, and the others that I've caused great anguish."
Asami felt the rage that built up over the time she was there start to fizzle out once she heard Kuvira's apology. She tightly hugged the badly injured woman back and cried along with her.

She wanted to hate Kuvira, but she just couldn't. Seeing the woman at her weakest point didn't even bring the smallest hint of joy to her. She thought she wanted to see the monster tortured to death, but the monster was gone. Kuvira was now just a scared and vulnerable little girl. Now the things Korra said made sense to her.

When they arrived back to the temple, Korra and Asami helped everyone down and placed them into their beds. Asami radioed Chief Beifong, explaining the event in its entirety, making the chief quickly make a decision to put every guard in the platinum prison into custody.

Lin's voice was clear and she told them that they would need to place Kuvira back into custody as well. "No!" Shouted Korra, causing Kuvira and Asami to look at her in shock. "What do you mean no? It's the law. She has to serve out her sentence." Lin said with a stern voice.

"She could stay with Asami and I in the Estate and work off her debts. Please Lin...let her have just one chance," Korra said, a compassion in her voice that Asami recognized. "I second that notion, I feel that Kuvira has proven that she is capable of changing her ways. She can stay with us until you've made the decision."

Korra and Kuvira looked over at Asami in shock. "You two really believe in me...?" The shivering woman showed a hopeful look. Korra smiled and sat close to Kuvira, placing a hand on her's. "We do, now you just have to believe in yourself. I know you can make a full recovery. And I'm here for you to help whenever you need me to. I'll protect you."

Kuvira turned a slight red and looked down at Korra's hand on top of her's. Asami watched the two of them and cleared her throat. "I will let you stay with me as long as you are on your absolute best behaviour. I may not be fond of you. But I do have a heart."

Kuvira nodded and gave a small smile. "I will not let you down Lady Sato, Avatar Korra." She started to relax and let her exaustion take her. Korra watched as the woman slowly fell asleep, looking back up into Asami's eyes. "That was very kind of you to do. I'm happy you were able to forgive her."

Asami smiled at Korra and walked over to kiss her cheek. "I wouldn't have if I didn't believe you." The two girls along with Pema, tended to all of their wounds with care.

As Asami wrapped the last of the bandages on Tenzin's head, she looked over at Korra. Her sweet and caring smile never faltered as she talked to an unconscious Kuvira. It was amazing for Asami to watch the two enemies end up becoming close friends.

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