The female indicated one of the ravines on the other side.

Sesshoumaru noticed as she spoke that the Hebi retained more of their animalistic features than other greater youkai. Initially, he'd thought it an illusion of their clothing, as he'd not seen one this close before. Their faces were narrower with eyes set a bit further apart, their 'hair' was a series of layered hardened scales, and instead of ears, there were only holes with a single protective scale they could move.

"I will allow you this one chance to gather your people and leave. Do not return until the moon is full."

Her bow was exaggerated, her tone almost mockingly sweet.

"How very kind of you, Lord Ssesshoumaru. Kofu and I will be out of your way quickly."

'Kofu,' he thought, memorizing the male in reds. 'Then, this female must be Tsukina. How amusing.'

Sesshoumaru left the pair to their task and started down the ravine Tsukina had indicated to begin his hunt for Haka. A single serpent, demon form or no, would be no match for him.

Over the following weeks, Sesshoumaru, Rekkonji, and Kintsuke rooted out the last vestiges of opposition from the Hebi tribe mountains and the surrounding area. Kofu and Tsukina rebuilt the Council of Nine. After making himself well-known to the new members, Sesshoumaru departed with Kintsuke, and Rekkonji returned to his home in the North. The upset balance of power in the West gradually righted itself under Sesshoumaru's merciless ministrations, and as the snows began to melt, he felt confident he could leave them for now. It was time to visit his Rin again.


As Sesshoumaru reclaimed his hold over the Western lands, Inuyasha was fighting a battle of his own in the East.

"Kagome, you do this every time Eiko leaves. She always comes back fine. What's got you so worried?"

The aging priestess continued braiding away her greying hair to hide it as best she could.

"She's still so small, Inuyasha. What if something goes wrong?"

Inuyasha smirked.

"Well, then I guess I'll just have to kill Kohaku and Mirohizu for failing to protect our daughter."

Kagome shot him a scathing look.

"I'm kidding," he insisted.

Kagome huffed, fingers tangling her braid in her frustration. Inuyasha moved to sit next to her, gently untangling her fingers and giving them a kiss before fixing his mate's hair.

"Listen," he said kindly, "if she wants to run off to learn to fight demons like Sango's family, then you gotta let her. Eiko's mostly human, but she's still part demon. You can't tame the wild streak that causes."

Finally, she sighed, reaching back to place a hand over Inuyasha's.

"I know you're right. I guess I just can't stop remembering what our journey was like back then. We had so many close calls."

The hanyou abandoned the hair and wrapped his arms around his beloved. He held her until she calmed completely, then left her to finish readying for dinner. Outside, the sun had long disappeared, leaving the moon to reflect off the thinning snow.

Inuyasha followed the path through the frozen rice patties to his old forest, going farther than even the Bone-Eater's well. He would have continued on, but the one he sought was already returning. A boy no higher than his chest, human in every visible way, save for his silver hair, raced through the trees from wherever he had been playing and stopped short to meet his father. Inuyasha crossed his arms.

"Thought I told you not to leave this forest once it gets dark..." he scolded.

"I know, dad, I'm sorry. I was trying to find that flower mom was talking about."

The boy scuffed his bare foot at the snow a bit.

"Yeah? And?"


His son wouldn't look at him. Inuyasha knew what that meant. He tried to sound understanding.

"Touzen, you know you can tell me if something happened. Was it a demon?"

Touzen shook his head.

"Then what?"

"I... You know the little creek that runs off from the river? I think there's something over there."

Inuyasha knew he wouldn't get much more from his son tonight.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you show me tomorrow."

Touzen nodded and fell into step beside his father to return to the village.

The Long Road to Freedom 3: Birth of an EmpireNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ