First Time, Last Night

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You changed position again, attempting to get comfortable as you tried to fall asleep. Jumin said that he would finally let you go home tomorrow, but why did you feel so uneasy? You should be happy to go home. So, why did you feel a lingering ache in your chest?

You rolled over again to face Jumin as he slept peacefully beside you. You studied his beautiful features. He was so perfect. From his expertly tousled hair to the delicate softness of his lips. You sighed to yourself, the ache in your chest growing deeper.

Jumin's eyelids twitched slightly before he slowly opened his eyes. Your heart fluttered as he looked at you, a small smile on his lips. His smile quickly faded as if he realized that tonight would be the last night the two of you would spend together.

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" he asked softly, his hushed deep voice was the only sound that could be heard in the quiet penthouse.

You nodded gingerly, feeling guilty that you might have woken him up. He gave you a sympathetic smile. You were so precious... He went to move his arm, but he hesitated.

"Is it... alright if I touch you?" he asked sincerely. You smiled, and nodded again.

He placed his hand on your waist, sliding it around your torso to the center of your back before pulling you closer to him. The smile never left your lips as you buried your face into his chest. He ran his hand up and down your body, slowly gliding his fingers up between your shoulder blades and then all the way down to the base of your spine to try and soothe you to sleep... but it was having a different effect on you, one that he did not intend, but would not regret.

You slid one of your legs atop of his, comfortably tangling your legs together with his. You also splayed your fingers on his chest, slowly being enveloped by his warmth.

Your small touches seemed to be working... You could feel the intense pounding of Jumin's heartbeat against your fingertips as you traced lazy patterns on his clothed chest.

Jumin took in a shaky, deep breath as if to calm himself, but you couldn't be sure. You smiled to yourself regardless, loving the effect you have on him.

You nuzzled into his chest, pretending to get more comfortable. You remembered how he said that he would not be able to hold back if you teased him... so you decided to tease him more.

The finger you were tracing against his chest began to wander lower, drawing slow circles against his stomach.

His body stiffened, not sure how to react to the attention that you were giving him.

Your finger traced lower, dragging along the small area of exposed skin right above the hem of his pants. You could feel his stomach muscles twitch under your touch.

His hand stopped stroking your spine. His palm pressed gently against your back, now rubbing small warm circles below your shoulder blades.

You exhaled a sigh, loving the feeling of his seemingly chaste touches. He tilted his head down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. His lips lingering there for a moment before pulling away.

You pulled away from him as well, but just enough for you to look into his eyes, your fingers daring to move lower any second. He stared back at you, his expression was desperate. His lips were slightly parted, begging to be kissed. oh god... You wanted him so badly.

"Jumin..." you whispered softly, your lips inching closer to his.

You could see Jumin swallow hard as you spoke his name. He lifted his hand off of your back and delicately cradled your face, stroking your soft skin with his thumb.

First Time, Last Night [Jumin Han x Reader One-shot Lemon]Where stories live. Discover now