A Picture Lasts Longer

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Word Count: 967

The sofa is slouching based on how long Jojo and I spend on it cuddling, watching Netflix, or napping. It is the go-to spot to get away from the world for a little bit, it is like time stops when we are there. However, it does not and that usually leads to a handful of problems. For instance, Jojo is out past curfew for his dorm, making another accidental sleepover. He stays over so much he might as well sign the lease- however, my roommate would never allow that. When my roommate was draining some pasta, he accidentally scared them thinking it was me. Needless to say, my roommate has not gotten over it yet. 

"I should call Finch, let him know I am staying here so he does not worry about me," Jo says getting up from the couch. He walks behind me to the accent table and he scrunched his nose up. "Do you know where my phone is?"

I arch my back up against the sofa so I can see him, "No, but you can use my phone to call it" I offer. Diving forward too play the game, how far can I reach before I fall off the couch, I do manage to get a grip on my cell phone. "Here, the passcode is our anniversary" I inform him.

"That's a trick question, we did not make it official until the 29th" Jo defends his position.

I groan knowing we will never be able to settle this disagreement, "but our first date was Valentine's Day".

I expect to hear another rebuttal on how he specifically asked me out on the 29th to avoid being one of the couples who got together on the commercial holiday. To my surprise, I see my phone being held up to face showing me my lock screen, Jojo's head is resting on his textbook as he takes a nap during one of our study dates. "Care to explain?" Jojo questions, as he vaults over the back of the couch to sit next to me again. He crosses his legs over themselves as he turns to face me, and I mimic his actions. "You have to delete this I look awful in it" He groans, tossing my phone into my lap.

I shake my head vigorously, "You look adorable in it" I retort. My gaze shifts to Jo's pleading eyes and pouting lips, his power is being able to beg without saying much. It used to be rather effective in the beginning, but as he kept using it the initial charm wore off rather quickly. "Look at how messed up your hair is. Besides I like the picture- it makes me smile". I send over a rather obnoxious smile as we discuss. Then again I look back down at my lap and I think about that day more and more.

It was right before midterms and I was completely freaking out about my calculus class. I was certain I was going to fail. I would bother Jojo, day and night about it- calling him every time I had a question or simply breaking down in tears over stress. To put it simply, I was falling apart. Jojo offered to study with me, help me with practice tests, and I accepted immediately. 

When the day finally came, we met at the library in the middle of campus and it was completely packed full of students. Luckily, one of Jojo's friends got a study room that day so we were able to sit in there. He already had a practice test prepared for me, so I could take it and we would just focus on my weak points. However, when I lift my head all I see is Jojo's head resting on his open History textbook. His brown eyes were covered by his eyelids as his breathing is slow, he looked so at peace. The sight was something that I do not see a lot of, he is always out running around- taking on more than he could handle. I could not help but snap a picture.

I found it scrolling through my gallery recently and I just had to make it my lock screen.

"I am going to keep it," I say handing him my phone back so he could make his call. Now it is my turn to get up so I can take the empty bowl that once held popcorn back to the kitchen.

While I am rinsing the butter residue off the large plastic bowl, I feel the counter start to vibrate. I look over and I see Jojo's phone face up. However, when I go over to investigate the only word to come out of my mouth is, "Hypocrite".

My contact photo is me sprawled on his chest. My hair is going in every direction but down and half of my face is nuzzled between Jo's arm and chest.

"I'll change my contact photo if you delete your lock screen," Jojo asks, already knowing I found out about it.

I simply walk over to him until our chests are touching and go up on my toes. His hands instinctively go to my waist but instead of connecting our lips I simply kiss the tip of his nose. As always his entire face crinkles up as he squints at me. Not ready to leave the closeness, our foreheads rest on each other's.

"I think we are even"I shut my eyes wanting to fully elope myself in the moment. This is when I feel the familiar warmth of Jo's lips on my own. It is over almost as quickly as it happened, so when I look up I simply see a smirk.

"I need to tell Finch I am staying the night, " Jojo says, before walking away completely forgetting that I still have his phone. Smooth Jojo, so smooth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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