Chapter Nine

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Even understanding none of what was said, watching the pure joy on Harry and Kitty's faces as they kissed made Alice cry. She held it in as much as she could. But Nix had looked at her, and then she smiled, and after that, Alice could only cry. After nearly four years with some of these men, seeing such pure goodness enfold before her moved her to tears.

The rest of the catholic mass had passed in a blur. With her knowledge of French, she caught a few phrases she could sort of decipher, but the Latin eluded her. Instead, she just sat gripping Nix's hand for dear life.

When the organ played the song for the end of the mass, Alice and Nix stood to follow out Harry and Kitty. Alice put her arm through his, content to feel the presence of the man she loved, and knew that Nix had been absolutely right that morning; they should get married on their terms, and soon. 

Blanche and Dick went ahead of them down the aisle. When they got out front, Harry and Kitty were grinning from ear to ear. Alice marveled again at the beautiful white lace dress Kitty had chosen. But the grin spreading from ear to ear on her face was even more beautiful. While the other two bridesmaids, Kitty's best friends, swarmed her, Alice moved over to Harry. He had tears in his eyes.

Pulling him into a hug, she tried to suppress her own tears. "Congratulations." Neither of them moved for a few moments. But when she pulled back, she wiped away several tears and shook her head. "Sometimes I thought we'd never see the day."

Harry nodded. "Too many times."

Nix and Dick were next, and Alice moved away where she saw Blanche on the outskirts. Lunch would be held at the reception near the hotel down the street from the church. Until then, they stood in the cold while the newlyweds were congratulated. 

"Are you feeling any better?" Alice asked, keeping her voice low.

Blanche just smiled. "Yeah. I'm fine." 

With a nod, they watched the scene unfold. They'd briefly met the Welshes and the Grogans before the ceremony, kind people, both families Irish. Watching Mr. Welsh grab Kitty in a bear-sized hug made Alice chuckle.

"Jesus Christ it's cold," Nix muttered. "Should we head over?"

Alice smiled, hooking arms dramatically with Nix. "Why yes, we should. Blanche? Coming?"

The woman laughed at them but nodded. All three of them, Dick soon joining, walked the ways down the street to the hotel. It didn't take long to be directed to the ballroom. 

When they got inside they found it styled with blue and white decor. A big band stood at one end of the hall, already starting on jazz music to set the tone. Alice couldn't help but grin again. 

One of the hotel workers took her coat. In the warmth, she tried to let it soothe her slight nerves at the way the walk over and increased her breathing issues. It wasn't pneumonia, it was just slight breathing troubles. Just the cold. 

"Are you okay?" Nix asked her, voice low. He placed a hand on her lower back. "You're doing it again."

Alice looked down. She'd crossed her arms over her chest. With an internal groan, she let her arms fall to her side. "I'm okay. Let's find our seats."

She, Blanche, Nix, Dick, Ron, Lip, and Buck had all been given one table. Alice couldn't help but smile at how nice it was that Kitty had allowed them to sit with their war buddies, not the rest of the bridal party. They were family, after all. She wanted to sit with her family.

Most of the afternoon passed in a bit of a blur of excitement and pride. They'd had lunch with a delicacy of chicken. Alice couldn't help but wonder if Nix had offered some of his wealth to get them that. After lunch, there'd been some mingling where Kitty made sure to speak to everyone. Mostly Alice tried to chat with Blanche, painfully aware of how out of place the young woman must've felt. 

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