Chapther fifty one

451 7 0

Nick's p.o.v
They surrounded us, fuck! What are we supposed to do know

"Lower your weapons, it just a bunch of idiots" one of the men said and took his mask of, it was Bryce

"You knew we would come.." Y/n said

"Of course, we have everything planned. We are always a step further. We already knew you would bring exactly those two... Nick and Tony" Bryce said

"Why are you doing this bro?" I asked him

"I'm not answering your questions-" Bryce said

"Just let them go" Josh begged and looked at Y/n

"I'm not leaving you Josh" Y/n said.

"Well the boss will like this" another man said

"Boss? Carp Addison right?" Y/n asked but they didn't answer her they just started to wrap us around the chairs

"Just let Y/n go come on!" Tony and I weirdly said at the same time

"If we are letting someone go, it's absolutely not her" Bryce said and looked at her

Chase p.o.v

Alex, Kuovr and I didn't find a thing upstairs and the guys said they would call us if they found something but it has gone some time and I'm starting to get worried

"Are you sure this is the place?" Alex said

"I believe her, but still don't understand why we are looking for this cheating idiot" Kouvr said pissed

"He can testify, remember?" I said to her

"Oh right" She said

"Guys I think we should go down stairs and look for the others" Alex said

"Yeah we really should" I said and we started to give downstairs

"Guys look" Kouvr said quietly and pointed at Addison who was entering the house

"Uhgg Bryce! Why did you choose this place it's so freaking dirty" Addison said talking to Bryce on the phone and started to go at a direction and we followed her

"She may be crazy but she isn't smart" Alex said jokingly

Then Addison entered a room and we saw all the guys wrapped around some stairs. Then we started to record the whole conversation, the only thing that would go wrong now is that she sees us if not we have proof. 

Your p.o.v

Addison then entered the room, wow I ain't surprised

"Y/n and Tony" She said and looked at us seriously

"Hi Nicky bear" she said and quickly kissed Nick on the cheek

"Let go of me!" Nick screamed

"You know Nick..I did everything for you.. the car crash.. me drugging Y/n and you know the rest everything for you" Addison said

"You know it is other ways to flirt Addison!" I yelled

"And you Y/n... why did you choose Nick. I rly think you and Tony are such a cute couple. Just break up with Nick and we all are going to be happy" Addison told me

"You're f*cking sick!" Tony yelled

"Nick darling.. just leave her then she'll be safe and happy with Tony and come with me" Addison said looking at Nick

"You wish" Nick said and laughed

"You are a rly bad boyfriend Nick you know that right Nick? I mean if I needed to leave my boyfriend to make him safe I would do it. EVERYTHING FOR HIM" Addison yelled

"And please Chase, Alex and Kouvr get in here!" She yelled and then I looked outside the door and there where all of them recording but also surrounded with three other guys

"Fuck it!" Chase yelled

"It's too bad I already send it to the police" he said

"You what?!?" Addison yelled

"You heard me, it's over" Chase said

"Kill him!" Addiaon yelled

"What did you say?" Bryce asked

"Do it! Shoot him!" Addison yelled

"Addison I-" Bryce said and she took his pistol

"Addison please don't!" Nick yelled

"Sorry Nick I have to do this" Addison said looking at Nick sad

"Nooo! Dont! Please... he's my best friend...Addison come on!" I yelled at her

"Stop Addison! I'll do it just don't shoot him!" Nick said

"What are you saying?" I said looking at Nick sad with tears running down my cheeks

"I'll go with you Addison just let them go" Nick said

"Nick don't leave me-" I yelled crying like a baby

"I'm sorry-" Nick said and he did. He left with Addison... still the other guys had us...

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