*Chapther fourty*

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Nick's p.o.v

I was now in Thomas and Chase's office. The grounders of hype house.

"So, what's up Nick" Thomas asked me 

"Well, this is hard.." Nick said

"You can trust us" Chase said

"Yeah ik, so here it goes..I remember everything" I said and Chase and Thomas looked like they saw a ghost

"What?!?!?" Bot screamed surprised and happy

"Wait but how?!" Chase asked me

"I knew from that truth or dare night when I kissed Y/n again" I said and Chase jumped bc he was so happy

" I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT WOULD WORK!!" Chase said happily

"Okay I mean this is amazing but that was like 2 months ago, why are you still pretending?" Thomas asked

"Yeah here's the thing, Chase I guess you know but Addison drugged Y/n and me and Addison weren't secretly dating before the crash. I liked Y/n, just her" I said

"Okay, but still why?" Thomas asked

"Yeah, why still pretending to be Addison's girlfriend?" Chase asked

"Yeah good question, from the first time we met in the hospital she told me A LOT abt you guys" I said

"Some bad shit like "Chase is rude so don't be near him" or  "Y/n is crazy so don't even talk to her" and a lot more" I said

"Wow, she's dead!" Chase said

"Wait! I made a tape, with her talking shit abt EVERY member of this house and even Sway house" I continued

"What are u thinking?" Thomas asked

"We'll show it to her and tell her to leave hype house for good, or else we post it on YouTube" I said

"Great idea " Chase said

"Now go and break up with your "girlfriend"!" Thomas said

"Yeah Yeah bc I'm bored" Chase said while singing Ariana Grande

So I did, I went to Addison's room

"Hii babe, what's up?" Addison asked me

"Well, we need to talk" I said

"What did they tell you?! They're lying, don't believe any of them" Addison said

"You know, you were the only one I trusted in the beginning...no I even trust Dobald Trump more" I said

"Haha funny!" Addison said laughing

"We need to break up, and don't say anything else. I remember EVERYTHING. You freaking drugged Y/n! The girl I love! Niw Thomas and Chase need to talk with you" I said and left

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