"Don't be a spoil now....we medical students rarely gets time, we should make most of it," Ritika said and dragged her out of the cafe, saying bye to her father.

Those women have more fun with their squad. Just being with your girlfriends is therapeutic with all the giggling, joking, a little gossip, griping about bosses and in-laws, it is a list of talking subjects that knows no end.

That's what happened with Samaira, the whole day she enjoyed with Ritika. They shopped, dine out, she took her to the spa for the girls pampering time. For next, she has already finalised to go for some club...next time night out.

It was the first time, Samaira has done all this with no tension of money or someone else. And yeah, She finally used his card today. She couldn't deny his words this time because they held care for her.

Both entered her house with the shopping bags in their hands, they sat on the couch taking a long breath of relief.

"What a fun, nice day..." Ritika exclaimed adjusting on the couch comfortably.

"Yeah and tiring also. But I enjoyed it...Thankyou..." Samaira showed her gratitude to her. Her company always changed her bad mood. She is happy to say she has someone to call her friend.

Her mind went to the time when she used to live with her uncle Aunt, Her cousin used to go like this with her friends but she was not allowed because her Aunt always made her busy with house chores. Her uncle never interferes in this much, he was okay that she is safe in front of his eyes.

She never objected, but in her heart, she had missed all these little things. But, not anymore.

"Chill....I'm thirsty...you can get something for me if you want...I won't object.." Ritika said which made Samaira laughed.

"Wait, I'll ask Mrs Annie to make a strawberry shake with some pasta." She said getting up from her seat. Ritika smiled and she left to the kitchen.

Ritika roamed her eyes around the fascinating hall with luxury items and furniture. She got up to get herself a glass of water. She drinks and walked towards the beautiful painting hanging on the opposite wall. She was admiring the beauty of the different colours and art, she heard her cell buzzed. She picked it up talking to her mother, she walked into the hall informing her about her whereabouts when she bumped into someone spilling the water over him.

"Shit...Are you blind??" Sagar yelled at the girl standing in front of him holding a glass of water and talking over the phone.

"Are you mad??" Ritika retored him back. How dare he talk to her in this tone?

"What...??? I'm perfectly fine, you spoiled my shirt and shit my phone also.." Sagar said checking his phone if it's working or not.

"Ohh..please, just some drops of water won't hurt your baby phone. Now move.." Ritika said twisted her lips in annoyance.

"Just some water drops can damage a phone easily....don't you know.." Sagar said. Thankfully his phone was alright, it has so many important contacts.

"God!! Why are you so annoying?? I can pay you for your phone. Happy.." Ritika replied first getting sure that his phone was alright. She can't add unnecessary expense to her pocket, and his mobiles seem expensive also. She mentally prayed in mind but masked her expressions again.

"You..." Before Sagar could reply, Samaira came hearing their loud voices with a worried expression.

"Sagar...Ritika.. What happened?? She asked. Both looked at each other with an annoyed face. Ritika rolled her eyes and sat on the couch again.

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