Tae would hold his hands with his left hand while his right hand would stay on the wheel steering, driving at a normal speed, calmly drive to the restaurant. Arriving there, after Tae had parked the car and turning off the engines, he would be getting out of the car right away, running to the other side of the car so just he could open the door for Copter.

Taking in a deep breath, Copter was moving his legs coming out of the car, where Tae was waiting while still holding the car's door. Tae was never even once lose his smile and Copter could see how happy his P'Tae is when he didn't even do anything. It makes him smile too, unconsciously since consciously, he still feeling nervous with the whole dinner things. And he could see the restaurant was an expensive one.

"It's an expensive restaurant, P'Tae." He said while looking up the big door of the restaurant in front of him. The parking lot was the open area in front of it. Tae was closing the door and was intertwined his right hand's finger with left hand's fingers of Copter, pulling him getting closer to the restaurant.

"You don't have to think about anything. I just want you to enjoy our date tonight, okay?" Hearing the word 'date', Copter felt a little heat on his cheeks. A 'date' sounds nice. So this is officially their first date as a couple, right?

"This is our first formal date, so I want it to be special, just for you." Tae was talking, as if answering his inner thoughts, making Copter smile to it. He turns to Tae and smiling while nodding his head. They were walking into the restaurant when a receptionist approaches them.

"Reservation for Tae Darvid." Without waiting for her to ask, Tae was telling her right away. With a little nod bowing, she gestured her hands asking Tae and Copter to follow her. They walked past the table area at the front, which Copter couldn't help but to feel self-conscious with all the eyes turn to them, and at the same time, he felt like they were ogling his boyfriend making him make a fist on his free hand.

He was holding Tae's hand tighter, afraid he would fall for the beautiful woman or the handsome man around. What would happen to him then? Feeling the shaking of Copter's hand, Tae was patting their intertwined hand, trying to calm the guy down. He was turning to Copter and give him his soft sweet smile.

They were walking through a hallway a little bit before the receptionist opened a door for a private room. Copter couldn't be happier, at least, they had space only for them. But then, he could see the romantic setup of the room. There was only a table with two chairs opposite to each other. The room was decorated in white and red, with candles on the middle of the table.

There was soft music playing in the background, which he couldn't hear from the outside. Tae then was pulling him right away, coming into the room, taking him out from his thoughts and observation. Tae was taking him deeper into the room and was pulling the chair for him to seat makes him frowning.

"Did you have to do this?" Tae was laughing. "Yes, I will do this for you my whole life. Get used to it." Copter was shaking his head, but then he was smiling and take his seat by the way. Tae then eagerly took his seat later.

"Do you like it?" Tae was asking Copter right away once he settles on his seat. Copter was nodding his head while smiling. "Wait after you taste their food. I bet you will like it. I've been here long before, so I hope the taste was still maintained just like their reputation. If anything you don't like, just tell me okay?"

Copter was nodding his head again, doesn't really feel like talking. Not long after that, the server came with a food trolley and was serving the appetizer with the main course, and left right after that. Copter would start eating right away, unaware of Tae who keeps on watching him eat for a while before he realized something doesn't right.

"Why are you not eating? Did the way I eat was weird?" Copter referred to the knife and fork that he needs to use making Tae smiling widely. "How is it? Do you like it? Is it delicious? Is it suit your taste?" Copter put down his knife and fork and was looking straight at his P'Tae while smiling.

"P, don't be so conscious about every little thing. You know how I am with food. I'm not a picky eater, and I can eat everything as it is. Can we fill our stomach now, cause if you keep disturbing my pace of eating, I'll get mad." Copter was making narrow eyes, trying to emphasize his mad mood making Tae laugh out loud. He was happy Copter could be casually talking to him and eating normally.

Once they were finished taking the meal, Tae was asking the restaurant's signature juice instead of wine, since Copter didn't drink wine. They were taking a few sips, when suddenly Tae was standing up and was heading to side table at one of the room's corner, choosing a song.

He then makes the light of the room turn dim, just to boost the romantic environment in the room. Then coming closer to Copter, hold out his hand in front of him, "Come, let's dance to the song." Copter was hesitant since he didn't know how to dance, or precisely, he never had a chance to dance, so he shaking his head to that offer but then Tae was just pulling him up.

"Don't worry, we just have to shake our body just a little bit. I want to hold you in my arm while enjoying the music. Don't have to think much about the dance." Stunned Copter would just let Tae pulled him in his arm and after a while following Tae's rhythm of shaking side by side, Copter was relaxing in his arm and was putting his head to Tae's firm chest, hearing the fast heartbeat along the music played. Somehow, the sound of the heartbeat of Tae was more calming to him than the background music. All in all, he enjoys the night and he was happy.

End of Chapter 50

p/s: Double update for today.

Anyway, the story is almost near to the ending. Thank you for all your supports and thank you for reading my stories na.

I still didnt have any idea of the new story, though i had a vague idea of it. Not really sure if i could pull it off.

Anyway, please stay tuned for this story to end. i might start a little but later for new story, so please look forward to it.

Thank you for stopping by;)

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