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I woke up late this morning because of a lack of sleep. I look for my phone to see the time. The time shows 11 a.m. I have only 50 minutes to prepare for class. I wake my ass up and run to the bathroom so I will not late for class.

Today's class is Introduction to Management. Well, this is going to be another long day. Since this is the first day for the Introduction to Management lesson. I should look nice because if the teacher is going to ask us to turn on the camera that will be a no for me.

After I finish my morning routine, I go downstairs to eat my breakfast. While I was eating Elise called me.

"Hey girl, what are you doing?"

"I'm eating breakfast."

"The class is almost starting you better get into the class. Hurry!"

I eat really fast because its almost 12 or no I will late for the first day of the lesson. I ran to my room and turn on my Ipad. I went through my email and log in to the application so the teacher can let me in.

" Good morning students, welcome to my class. My name is Mr. Caleb." Mr.Caleb said with a happy smile.

He continued to speak

"Everyone, please turn on your camera and introduce yourself."

I sigh and
I was so nervous. My heartbeat beats really fast, my hands are shaking too. I asked Elise if she feels the same.

As Mr. Caleb called my name, I introduced my name

"Hello Everyone, my name is Meghan Brown. I'm 20 years old and you can call me Meghan. "

I speak really fast like a rapper since I was really nervous. And everyone in the class group chat said that I was a rapper and I just laugh about the 'rapper' thing.

And Mr. Caleb asks me to repeat because everyone can misunderstand my name and age.

This time I speak slowly

"Hello Everyone, my name is Meghan Brown. I'm 20 years old and you can call me Meghan. "

"Wow! You're very young," said Mr. Caleb after I finish introducing myself.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, thank you, Mr," I said to Mr.Caleb.

As all of us had introduced ourselves, the class started. After about 1 hour, the teacher put us to different breaking rooms so we can do our group assignment. He gave us 30 minutes to do the group assignment the first group that I got 4 people in it.

There are 3 new friends for me. We introduced ourselves so we don't get awkward around each other. While we're doing our assignment, Mr.Caleb came inside the breaking room to ask for our progress and we said that we're done with the assignment. After 30 minutes its over, we came back to the main room. We discuss our answer in each team. Our team got the correct answers.

The teacher gave us a 15 minutes break, so we can go to the restroom or eat. I turn off the camera and went downstairs to make coffee and eat some bread. I bring them to my room, so I can eat while waiting for the others to come back. After the 15 minutes break, we came back to study. It was almost the end of the class, the teacher asks us to do a group discussion and presented in the next lesson.

Mr.Caleb put me and Elise in the different breakout rooms. First of all, I really hated the team most of my teammates are male and all of them are older than me. I was the youngest of all of them so it was kinda awkward of me. Since this another team, so we introduced ourselves again.

30 minutes left the class will end. So we decided to get connected through Whatsapp. While the boys were changing their numbers, suddenly I was disconnected from the class. I was so panic.

"Ah Fuck this connection, why are you doing this to me?" I said.

I get out from my room to ask my parents if they're connection is error. They said our wifi is also error. I was so panic and I'm going crazy. After about 5 minutes the connection is back in a good condition. When I joined the class again the teacher ask about each group do they get each others contact number.

Well, because of the connection fault I need to open my mic to talk to the teacher about the contact.

"Okay, please everyone who is in group 3 turn on your mic." said Mr. Caleb.

"I will write my email in the group chat, so you can email me your number." said this one guy that I believe as Hong Dabin.

I said okay and thank you to him and added his email to my list.

After sending my number to his email, he added me to the group chat to talk about the disccusion that we ned to talk about. There should be 6 of us but the others weren't giving thair numbers to Dabin. So there were only 3 of us in the group chat. In the group chat who is mostly active is only me and Dabin. The other member which is Scott. He doesn't really active in the group chat.

I put him in contact list and give him the name 홍다빈 (Hong Dabin).
While I was searching some information for the disscusion, Dabin calls me.

Oh my gosh.

How should I answear him.


I pick up the phone and answear him.

"Hey" My heart was beating so fast like I was running a marathon.

"Hey Meghan, I'm Dabin." He said with an awkward tone.

"Hey Dabin, nice to meet you." I answear him nervously.

"What are you doing?" he ask

"I'm doing some research for the presentation."

"Do you need some help for the presentation?"

"Ofcourse, I'm not that smart. This is my first time learning Management. So, yeah"

"Well, tell me what should I search in Google. So, I can help you."

"Since there is 3 of us only in the group, how about we divided each person get their on parts?"

"Sure, we can ask Scott which part that he wanted to presentate. But, how about you which part do you want to take?"

"I'm going to take Motivating, how about you?"

"Well, I will just take the last one. After, Scott tells us which part that he want to take."

After about 50 minutes call, I tell him that I need to take a bath and we will continue later.

I take a bath for about 30 minutes and I join my parents for dinner. For dinner we had Fish & Chips which is one of my favorite dish.

At 9 p.m, I got a call from Elise and I tell her that I will tell her what happend to me today.

I told her what happened to me today.

She was suprised that he called me first.

After we play, we say our goodbyes. I turn off my Ipad and went to the bathroom to do my night routine. I finish my night routine in 10 minutes since I only brush my teeth and pee. I rarely use skincare because my skin are kinda sensitive so I can't use any product freely before looking at the ingredients.

I went out of the bathroom and take my waterbottle and went to sleep.

Hey Guys, thank you for reading this story. I will keep updating this story, but not really active though since I have online class and writing essays.


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