Life and Death.

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"Eliza, wake up please." I felt someone shaking me awake, as I opened my eyes I noticed it was a nurse, sun rays blinding me coming from the window behind her, "Eliza, it's your father." I shot up in my bed, throwing the covers off my body. My father. I slid on the slippers that I had brought from home, ever since my father had been diagnosed with Cancer I opted to move into the hospital so they could keep him under watch at all times. I ran to my fathers room which was down the hall from mine, I slid into the room on my slippers only to find my father lying motionless on the bed, doctors flying about the room.

My daddy, "DAD!" I screamed, tears pouring my down my face, "Daddy wake up!" I ran to his bed, pushing past all the doctors that tried to push me away, "Please daddy, I need you!" I sobbed, grabbing his cold lifeless hand. He can't be dead, yesterday he was completely fine, joking around with me, like his old self, I though he was getting better. As sat there, crying and searching his face for anything, any sign that it was a joke. My father could not be dead, he was the only thing I had left. "Please, dad, please wake up." I said, barely above a whisper. One of the doctors started pulling me away, "GET OFF OF ME! Leave me alone! This is my father! Daddy please! They are trying to take me away!" Nothing. He was gone, my father, who I had lived with for the past eight years, gone. I had no where to go, I was eighteen so I was probably going to be on my own, my dad was rich, I could stay in our flat. But I couldn't not without him, "LET GO!" I screamed, pulling from the doctors again, but they only tightened their grip, one of the pulled something from their pockets, a needle. "Get that thing away from me you sick bastard!" He only came closer, putting the needle into my arm. Everything went black, the last thing I saw was the doctors pulling the sheets over my fathers lifeless face.

Crying. That's the sound I woke up to, was it my own crying? I lifted my hand to my pale face, feeling it completely dry. I opened my eyes, puzzled, my eyes landed on a women in her 40's, brown hair much like my own. Her head lay down on my bed, her shoulders slightly shaking, it couldn't be- "Mum?" She lifted her head, her eyes red and puffy but none the less just like my own chocolate brown ones. "Mum, why- why are you here?" My voice raspy from sleeping, what was it the doctors gave me?

She gently grabbed my hand, "Your father Eliza, he died. Don't you remember?" It all flashed back into my mind, his cold lifeless hand in my own, his face seemingly peaceful. The doctors running about the room, me crying over his body and the doctors pulling me away, sticking the needle into my arm. The last thing I remember was the sheets being pulled over his lifeless body. Fresh tears formed in my eyes, "Oh sweeties, it's okay. You can come back to Wolverhampton, you can see Liam again."

That name brought me out of my thoughts, I tore my hand away from her clammy ones. "No, mum. You think after eight years, after you kicked us out, I would fall into your arms go back to our 'family' NO. You, you don't care about me, nor does Liam." I jumped up from my bed, the one that I had stayed in now for four months. I ran into my bathroom, looking into the mirror I was shocked. My auburn hair was stuck up in many different places, my chocolate brown eyes were red and puffy from crying. My pale body stuck out from my dark color pajama shirt. I looked like a ghost, and I felt it.

The door opened, as my mum walked in, "Honey, please. I did it to protect you, Liam tried out for the X Factor, and things have been crazy, there are fans all over the place, we had to move to our county home." Even in my old family, I was rich, "Baby, please. You have no where to go, just, come home with me. Please." She begged, not just with her words, but with her eyes. She was right, I was eighteen and I had no where to go. I couldn't get a job, it was very hard to in London. I slowly nodded my head, "Thank you baby, you wont regret this." She pulled me into a tight hug, just like her famous one, she would always hug me when I was crying from a nightmare when I was younger, "Now, pack your bags, we have to leave soon, the last flight back to Wolverhampton leaves in two hours."

I nodded my hand, running my hand through my tangle mess of a hair, "May I take a shower first?" I croaked out. She smiled at me, smoothing my hair out one more time before nodding her head and stepping out of the bathroom. I stripped out of my clingy pajamas and stepped into my tiny shower, it was extremely hard to do the basic things but I manged. Shaving my legs and washing my body was the hardest thing, my 5'7 frame barely fit in the tub. I stepped out of the shower, my foot hitting the cold tiles in the bathroom. I took in a shaky breath before stepping into a pair of skinny jeans. I towel dried my hair, not caring that it would leave my hair very curly, I slipped a teal tank top on, along with a black sweater.

The drive to the airport was very quite and awkward. Neither of us talked as the Limo driver opened the door, my mum stepped out first, offering a hand to me as I slipped out of the limo behind her. All she had to do was tell the lady at the desk our names and she handed over two first class tickets for Wolverhampton, my home, my nightmare. I shook the thoughts off as we made our way to gate seven, we were twenty minutes early, I noted as I sat down on the cold plastic chair. "Hungry? I'm going to get something to eat, I can get you something also." I nodded my head as she made he was toward the sandwich shop down the way. Things were happening so fast, my father had died his body was being shipped back home so he could be buried in the family plot near his parents and my grandparents. I just don't understand how one day a man can be perfectly fine, joking around like his old days, acting like a teen again and the next just gone. But I guess that's how it works, the ones you love most are taken away from you when least expected. Which has happened more then once.

"But daddy, I don't want to leave Lili." My ten year old self said, pleading with my father. He had come in my room an hour ago and told me to pack my things, we were leaving bright and early, without mum or Liam. "I don't want to leave all of my friends."

He got down on one knee so he was eye level with me, "Bell, we have to do this," My father was the only person that called me Bell, "It's for all of our safety," I gave him a quizzical look, "Don't worry about it baby, just get your favorite toy, we need to leave now." I nodded my head, grabbing my stuffed penguin, Prince Harry as I called him.

"Geoff?" I heard a voice call out, my mum. She appeared in my doorway, only wearing a night gown, her dark brown hair pulled into a neat bun and the base of her neck. "Geoff , what are you doing? Where are you going with my baby?" She yelled, pulling me into her chest as she sat down on my floor.

My father yanked my arm away from my mum. "We are leaving Karen." She screamed and sobbed as my father pulled me out of the house, I wrapped my tiny arms around his neck, burying my face into his chest, "Shh, it's going to be alright Bell."


I looked up to find mum with a bag of food looking over at the gate door leading to the plane. The woman came over the speakers announcing that our flight was now boarding. "Here, eat up fast, we aren't allowed to bring food on the plane." I did as told, eating the burger as fast as I could, how did she remember that I liked mine plain? It's a common thing, she must have guessed. "Now hurry," She said once I finished, pulling me along with her onto the plane. "Have you ever been first class?" I shook my head no, "You'll love it." She said, sounding more like a teenager then a forty something year old woman. "These are our seats." She motioned toward two seats that reclined backwards.

I nodded my head quietly sliding into my seat near the window. I looked out, seeing the pavement below us. I can do this, I chanted to myself, never being on a plane before I'm not sure if I could, I pulled the little shade down so I wouldn't be able to see as we took off, "I'm going to take a nap, wake me when we get there, yeah?" I pulled my iPhone out, plugging in my headphones, screw the flight attends, I'm listening to music. I put it on my Ed Sheeran playlist and quickly fell asleep to his magical voice.


So this is the first chapter to my story In The Dark, it's going to be a Zayn Malik fan fiction(Spoiler kind of) This kind of came to me when I was half asleep this morning and I thought I'd give it a try, legit, I'm in love with this story so far. It's pretty amazing sounding. So tell me what you think, should I keep this story or trash it? Comment your thoughts, like/vote, and fan so you'll  know when I update, and don't forget to share my story please!

Lots Of Love~

In The Dark. (Zayn Malik) -ON HOLD-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat