Ch.1 Pills and Joy

Start from the beginning

Puff backed away. He didn't want to be near this fight any longer than need be. He quickly walked away, trying to avoid looking back.

However after some bickering back and forth and suddenly a yelp, he looked back. His eyes widened as he felt his soul jump. The downer got tased and dropped to the floor. It was an awful sight for puff.

The officers in this city were so...heavy handed. Rough. He wouldn't want to run into any of them soon. Not like that anyways. It's so moment the officers will be walking by, peppy as ever. The next moment...they could be beating someone down.

He quickly rushed to work, there was much to be done. He couldn't waste anymore time.


"Alright, last few documents and I'll go home free.", Puff hummed happily to himself. He worked hard, staying a while longer to make sure he finished his tasks. He was busy censoring some documents and articles.

About two years ago, a new law was placed in the city where if anything in articles and news shock or upset the people then a hefty fine may be placed upon the company.

He had to censor...quite a few upsetting articles.

Monster city news: downer beaten by officer, left for dead

Monster city news: latest pill batch puts 22 monsters into hospital. Overdose warning!!

Monster city news: W.D creates new pill flavor

Puff looked over the headline, tilting his head. His fingers ran across the paper.

Puff felt the room grow dark and dim. His eyes scanned The pages as he felt His soul thump faster. The news reads as follows:

W.D Gaster creates new joy pill flavor!
Citizens of this fine city are you bored of the usual vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry flavored joy? Worry no longer! The brilliant Scientist W.D Gaster has created a brand new flavor for all to enjoy: Blackberry!! Created with BlackBerry preservatives you can now taste the sweet berryies and still keep the same joy you know and love!
note: Blackberry joy is still a work in progress. Side effects may include fatigue, memory loss, crashes, aggressiveness Who cares? I don't! Joy is everything!!

Puff leaned back in his chair and exhaled. He can remember something about him as if....this scientist was important to him? He's obviously heard of the name Gaster before however....right now it seems much more important. He shook his head and reached back to his pills before pulling his hand back.

He... He couldn't think. Why has he heard that name before? He couldn't think while drugged up on joy.

There was one thing about joy nobody mentioned. It has the possibility to mess with people's heads. Make memories fuzzy while on this joy.

Puff tried to focus on the paper,but no matter how much he tried to remember who this scientist was, his memories kept getting fuzzy. The room seemed to get darker and more warped.

When puff noticed he looked around. He was suffering from a joy crash. This was common and can be fixed by taking another pill. But...

Puff looked back at the paper,"How do I know you... I...know him? I've seen him before! I have!", he said to himself.

The crash from the withdrawal of pills left him feeling sick and dizzy. It felt like a knot was forming in his stomach, if he even had one. He exhaled and quickly stood up, going to the window and opening it. He needed fresh air. He leaned out the window and inhaled. His office seemed stuffy and hot. Maybe because of the withdrawal? Or maybe he really was getting hot. Either way, he needed air.

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