Act 1: Part 2

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Standing in front of a door in an apartment complex was Melissa, Izuku and Y/N. Y/n looked noticeably nervous as he held his hand out to knock stopping just before he did. He breathed in a bit as Iida and Uraraka caught up. Melissa gently took Y/N's hand. He looked back at her as she gently nodded to him. He nodded back and knocked on the door. There were sounds inside and shuffling before a small plump woman opened up the door.

"Hello sorry I was just busy with some washing and- Y/N...?" She asked stunned after noticing who was standing in front of her. He smiled gently at the woman.

"Hey Inko. It's great to see you again. I'm home now." He said to her as tears welled up in her eyes as she grabbed him and pulled him in close hugging him tightly.

"Oh my baby boy you're safe! I was so worried when I heard you disappeared! Where have you been!?" She asked as Y/N smiled a bit. 

"Lets head inside and I can explain a bit better." He said to her smiling as she nodded and let them all in.

"If I knew were were getting guests I would have run out to the store for some snacks." Inko said as she smiled towards the people. "Oh where are my manners, my name is Inko Midoriya it's a pleasure to meet you all." She said to the new group of people. Iida was the first to respond.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well ma'am. My name is Tenya Iida, I am I classmate alongside Midoriya. Or should I rather say Izuku Midoriya since there are now two young Midoriyas." Iida said before Y/N chuckled a biot and waved his hand to brush it off.

"No you're mistaken. My last name is L/N. I never dropped it when Inko and Hisashi adopted me." Y/N said as Iida and Uraraka looked a bit shocked.

"My apologies I didn't know you were adopted. Excuse me for assuming and my rudeness." Iida said bowing a bit as Y/N sweatdropped.

"No please it's fine it's an honest mistake. It doesn't help that I call Izuku here my bro." He said as Iida nodded and Uraraka stepped forwards.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet both of you, my name is Ochako Uraraka. I'm also a classmate with Deku erm, sorry Midoriya." She said blushing a bit from her slip up.

"Deku? Like how Kaachan talks to Mido-Bro?" Y/N asked a little annoyed. And it was easily seen by everyone else. Luckily Izuku stepped in to clear the air.

"No you got it all wrong. Deku is my hero name. I used to hate it... But then someone told me it could mean something different. So now I like it. I am Deku." He said as he looked towards Uraraka who smiled back at him. Y/N looked at Izuku up and down and pulled him close wrapping his arm around his neck giving him a nuggy. 

"You really have grown up while I was away haven't you cactus dye." He said as the rest looked at him oddly. Y/N squinted and then picked up Izuku as his shirt lifted up. Uraraka looked away but snuck in a few glances.

"Whoa! When did you bulk up little bro?" He asked seeing all the muscle Izuku had accumulated. He gently set Izuku back down and moved him to a table. He placed his elbow on the table and stared Izuku down.

"Come on bro, time for an arm wrestle." He said as Izuku looked nervous. He fiddled with his hands walking over.

"You always win these you know, and plus I don't think you really understand how much stronger I've gotten I mean I don't wanna hurt you by accident and I'm sure we don't wanna visit the hospital today..." He carried on mumbling as Y/N just chuckled and whistled which scared everyone in the room.

"Izuku bro, you're mumbling again. Just arm wrestle me bro no holding back." He said as Izuku sighed knowing that he wasn't going to drop it until he gave in. For as long as Izuku knew Y/N he knew Y/N never gave up. He walked forward and grabbed his arm before her set his elbow on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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