Episode 4: The Reunion Of The Digidestined ; The Distortion In Time (02XTamers)

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"Oh great out of all places in digi world, we arrive in the desert...." Kari frowned at the Davis,Yolei, and Cody clothing reverted to the there digital clothing, and her, TK, and Ken is in there winter clothing. "Yeah.. I know what you mean..." TK says taking off his white vest, as Ken on wrap his scarf that was around his neck. "Hey, I don't see what the problem is, its a little hot but not to hot to complain about !" Davis says naively. "Easy for you to say, you guys aren't wearing your winter clothing..." Ken grumbled while placing his scarf by Wormon. "We'll you guys stop complaining already, its annoying. Aquilamon, please take us to a forest or something ..." Yolei says, slightly annoyed. "While you guys are worried about the climate, we should be focusing on finding those other digidestined" Cody says looking below. "Yeah Cody's right, this is the faith of the world were talking about, and you guys are worried about a little fur ?" Gatomon says looking around in hopes to find them. "They has a point.." Patamon blinked. "Uh oh..." Aquilamon flapped into a stop. "Hey what's the matter Aquilamon ?" Davis and Yolei asked in an unison. "Whoa look at that !" Veemon pointed to a large pink energy beam roaring into there path. "This can get ugly !" Patamon held on tight. "Oh no..." Everyone says, as Aquilamon was being dragged into the beam. "Ahhhhhhh !" They yelled as they entered and screamed some more as the getting throw around.

"Well guys... Looks like we're finally here..." Takato says as he looks around, as the sun beamed threw the tree canopy. "The digital world looks a lot different from the last time we were here.." Henry observed. "Yeah, I'd hate to be stuck in that desert we were in the last time we came." Terriermon flopped down to the ground. "Yeah.. That was a disaster..." Rika shooked. "I'm hungry...." Guilmon whined. "Of yeah, we still haven't found any food to eat, how about we find some food and take a break, and than go on our search for the others." Takato suggested. "Fine with me.." Ryo says. "Yeah, we should restore our energy, just in case we run into trouble." Renamon says wisely. "In other words, your hungry !" Terriermon chuckled. "He got you there Renamon..." Rika said walking off. "Huh ?" Renamon blinked. "We better find some where to set camp..." Ryo says. "Me and Cyberdramon we'll go find a place to set up camp, and we'll come get you when we find it..." He says, walking to his partner. " Than we'll find food !" Takato nodded. "Don't go far !" Ryo says, as he flew off on Cyberdramon. "I smell something !" Guilmon ran off. "Guilmon ! Is it food !" Takato ran of. "Oh brother..." Rika and Renamon followed. Terriermon jumped into Henry's head. "Hey get going we'll ya ! I'm hungry !" Terriermon says. "Okay ! Don't rush me !" Henry dashed off.

"Whoa..." Guilmon stopped smelling a blue digimon with a "V" on his head. "Guilmon !" Takato panted, skid to a stop seeing five kids on the ground with there digimon. "What's the ho- Whoa..." Rika glanced at them. "Oh goodness.." Renamon slightly gasped. "What are we looking at ?" Terriermon and Henry finally caught up. "What happened ?" They both asked. "THIS CANT BEEEE !" Takato yelled, as a couple insect like digimon flew from the tree's. "HEY WERE RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW !" Rika and Terriermon says holding there ears. "My head..." The boy with goggles finally lift his head up noticing a red dinosaur, Guilmon, in his face. "Ahh !" He jumped, landing onto the other children that were knocked out. "Hey, BACK OFF !" Yolei shouted pushing him off, spiking her eyes, balling up her fist. "What's your problem ? You have goggles use them !". "Umm.. Guys.." Cody,Kari,TK says staring at the other digidestined. "Huh ?" Yolei looked up at the group.. "Uh" she says, as her glasses dropped. "Umm..." Rika says, still shocked. "Hi, I'm Guilmon !" Guilmon says, breaking the silence. "And this is my tamer Takato-mon !" He points to the boy with stars in his eyes. "Umm.. Is he okay ?" TK blinked. "Hi ! I'm Davis !" Davis jumped up. "And I'm Veemon !" Veemon jumped to him Partner side. "I'm Henry, and this is.". "Terriermon !" Henry says, as Terriermon interrupted. "HEY ! THAT'S WILLIS'S DIGIMON ! ARE YOU A DIGI THEIF ?" Davis shouted. "He's a digi theif ?" Veemon blinked. "Willis ?" Henry and Terriermon blinked. "No Davis ! Have you forgotten the fact that there are many digidestined with the same digimon ?" TK says walking up the Henry and offered his hand. "Sorry about Davis, I'm TK ! And this is my partner Patamon." He smiled. "Its okay ! I'm Henry ! And hi Patamon !" Henry shook his hand, as Terriermon jumped on Henry's head and exchanged smiles with Patamon. "Hi, I'm Kari, and this is my digimon Gatomon" Kari smiled warmly, as Gatomon walked from behind her. "Your Renamon, am I correct ?" Gatomon asked the tall yellow fox. Renamon nodded. "Yes". "Umm.. Hello there .. I'm Rika.." Rika snapped out of her shock. "I'm Yolei !" Yolei says walking towards the group. "I'm Hawkmon, Yolei's partner" Hawkmon followed. "Come on Cody, let's meet them !" Armadillomon says rushing towards the group. Cody was looking around as if something wasn't right. "I'm Armadillomon, and that's Cody, my partner" Armadillomon introduced. "Hey, what's wrong Cody ?" Davis asked the kid. "KEN !" He shouted. "I knew some one was missing !" Cody jumped. "Ah !" The 02 group, finally noticed. Rika glanced at Takato still starstrucked. "He isn't the one who's missing, so is Takato's brain" She smacked him. "I cant believe its ac-" Takato begin before Rika elbowed him. "Don't thinks thats appropriate right now !" She pointed. Henry facedpalmed before walking towards the other group. "What happened, we did find you unconscious. Did a wild digimon attack you, maybe it took your friend" Henry tried to resolve. "No.. It wasn't like that" Cody looked down. "Yeah, we were flying through some desert than, next thing we know a pink beam swallowed us up." Davis explained. "That sounds familiar" Terriermon flopped his ears. "Could it he the same desert ?" Henry and Rika looked at each other. "What do you mean ?" Kari asked. "You see" Renamon walked up. "When we first came too the digital world we landed in a desert and a pink beam too swallowed us up. And each time it happened some of us was separated. I have to admit I find it odd that only two of you were separated, I assume the Ken you speak of also has a digimon ?" Renamon explained. "He could be anywhere .." Rika says bluntly. "Oh no..." 02 gang gasped. "That means we can't DNA digivolve if we need too !" Veemon realized. "Well, we could help you find him .." Takato finally spoke. "Yeah but one problem, were missing a member of our on" Henry pointed out. "Oh yeah Ryu" Takato remembered. "So what, we can leave him !" Rika shrugged. "Rika !" Renamon sighed, at her Tamer's rudeness. "Hey guys !" Ryu landed on Cyberdramon. "Great !" Rika says with an unamused look. "AHHHHH !" An evil digimon, Veemon attack !!" Davis shouted at the sight of Cyberdramon. "Davis..." The 02 ganged sighed and sweat dropped. Henry looked at Terriermon with a smiled. "Now, we have to deal with two goggle heads.." Rika grunted. "What's that suppose to mean ?" Takato and Davis frowned. Ryu looked at the others and blinked confused. "Great at this rate, we'll get no where..." Gatomon frowned. "Indubitably" Hawkmon sighed agreeing with Gatomon. "Ugh !" Yolei over heard the two digimon and walked to Davis. "I had enough of this pointless chit chat. What are going to do ?" She asked bluntly. "Oh Yolei" Kari mumbled. "Find Ken and Wormon, haven't you been listening. "And your going to be listening to my fist pound upside your head !" Yolei balled her fist. "Ken..?" Ryu asked. "That name sound familiar" He thought. "Its their friend who was teleported from them by those pink beams we dealt with awhile back." Henry explained. "Oh man" Ryu gave a look. "I'd say we split up, that way we'll cover more ground and find Ken more quickly" Cody spoke up. "That's our Cody !" TK, Kari, and Armadillomon smiled at the boy. "Theirs one small flaw in your plan" the strategist, Henry countered. "What's that ?" Cody looked up to him. "Even if we do find him, how will we tell each other that we did ? Also were would we meet up at ? And how would know were too look." Henry pointed out the many flaws. "Well .. If we do find him we can use our D-Terminals for communication and tell each other our current location. We could than tell each other were we are and use our D3's to find each other. In addition our D3's have the function to pinpoint other D3's locations. And yeah sure you guys have different versions of digivices from us but look there are nine of us not counting the digimon. We could form three group of three's that way each group have a D3." Cody retorted. Henry had a utterly shocked and twitched every three seconds.. "PERFECTO !" Yolei smiled. "Awesome job Cody" Kari smiled. "Yeah, and we should split up with our DNA Digivolve partner" TK added. "Good thinking TK" Patamon beamed on his partner. "Well, Henry how do you feel about that ?" Terriermon joked. Rika giggled slightly. "Good thinking, now let's get to work" Davis says. " Right !" Takato nodded. "Me and Kari can go with Rika" Yolei says walking to them. "Girl power !" Kari smiled. "Whatever, as long as I don't have to deal with those goggle heads and Ryu." Rika says plainly. "You know you'd miss me" Ryu wink. "Bleeh" Rika made a gesture as if she was throwing up. "Than me and Cody can go with Henry !" TK smiled at his team mates. "Cool !" Cody and Armadillomon nodded. "Henry, Digimon To Henry" Terriermon says to his partner, still in shock. "Oh .. Right !" Henry smiled back. "Well I guess that leaves us together !" Davis looked towards Takato and Ryu. "Uh oh .. When two goggles heads you know some things bad going to happen" Rika rose an eye brow. "I agree .. Maybe this wasn't a good idea" Yolei turned to Kari. "Yeah remember that time when Tai and Davis was together that one time ?" Kari says shivering. "What a nightmare .." Gatomon and Hawkmon added. "Now now you guys .. I'm sure they won't completely lost" TK scratched his head. "That's an overstatement." Rika frowned. "And besides I'll be with them .. They'll have some one with some brain" Ryu snorted. "I'm not dumb" Takato looked towards Guilmon who was sniffing a flower. "Watch we'll show you ! I bet we'll find him first !" Davis frowned. "Yeah !" Veemon added. Everyone laughed. "Anyways" Takato adjust his goggles. "Let's go find Ken !" He cheered. "Oh boy" Rika face palmed. "YEAH !" Everyone else, besides Cyberdramon and Renamon cheered.

(A/N: I Know This Actually Ironic Considering The Fact This Takes Place In Christmas And Its Practically Summer. But Oh Well Better Late Than Never .. Right ? Hope You Enjoy ! ^.^ )

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