Episode 3: The Search For The Other Digidestined Begins ! (02XTamers)

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After Gennai and his copies, gave the digidestined the news of the week. They left the digital world, and met up at Izzy's.

"I'm home mom !" Izzy yelled. "With guests, I see" Ms.Izumi blinked as the 12 children entered Izzy' home. "And the digimon, of course..." Ms.Izumi blinked as the next 12 entered. "Wow, twenty four guest in my home, I'd never imagine...". "Sorry, mom its an emergency !" Izzy smiled nervously as the kids and digimon cramped there self's in Izzy's room. "Comfy..." Yolei says sarcastically. "Hey, its the best we got for right now.. And its not like were spending a night !" Tai frowned. "Well, I'll see if I can get Gennao and the others online." Izzy typed away. "This could take a while" Tentomon sighed. "So does anyone wanna play a game ?" Agumon asked, trying to lighten the mood. "And what game do you have in mind ?" Kari asked her big brother's partner. "Perhaps, chase the mouse !" Gatomon moved her claws around. "Yeah, like if we had any" Izzy says typing away. "How about we just wait for Gennai" Sora says. "That's really our only option". "Yeah, Sora's right ! Its the not the time to take things lightly. This guy maybe the real deal !" Matt backed up his girlfriend. "Awee.. Isn't that sweet, Matt taking up for his girrrrlfriendMimi teased, leaving the couple blushing. "Anyways... Any luck Izzy ?" Tai asked. "Yeap ! Gennai, were here !" Izzy says as blast of light formed him and the other three copies in the room. "Wow, roomy.." Ilya says looking around. "Yeah, I know !" Izzy frowned. "Anyways, as you know there is a powerful digimon out there." Gennai started. "Mhm !" Everyone nodded. "You have to meet up with the another group of digidestined to stop this digimon." Ilya says. "Which ones ? There all over the world..." Yolei asked unamused. "This one is from another universe" Hogan added. "Another universe ?" Ken shouted, before blushing covering his mouth. "That's amazing ? There's other universes with digidestined.. Let alone digimon ?" Izzy asked. "Wow..." Matt blinked. "You and me both...." Sora leaned back on her boyfriend. " Another universe aye ?" Cody said to himself. "Yeah" TK nodded. "Who would have known, bit I wouldn't be to surprised..". "Yeah.." Kari nodded at TK's statement. "But still, that's awesome !" Davis says. "Yeah and could be dangerous, what if there like aliens or something" Joe frowned. "Joe, really ?" Mimi and Gomamon says. "What I was just joking !" Joe laughed. "I've heard it all" Yolei passed out. "A bit over dramatic are we ?" Hawkmon glanced at his fallen partner. "Well, no matter who they are, we still have to focus on the main problem which is the digimon." Tai says. "Yeah !" Agumon backed his partner up. "Where can we find them since there from another universe and all." Patamon asked. "Good question.." Every blinked. "The digital world.." Gennai said plainly. "Whoa, so the digital world, is like a cross road of many worlds..." Izzy theorized. "Yeah something like that ..." Hogan shrugged. "Hey, what about Azulongmon's digi cores ?" Agumon asked. "Yeah !" The 01 digimon added. "Of yeah..." Ilya says pulling it out as the blue beamms of light entered the origanls digivices and Kari and TK's D3 and digimon. "Now were talking" Tai smiled at the digimon. Izzy's laptop went off. "A digimon signal..." Izzy frowned. "Hey, wasn't Arukenimon defeated" TK frowned. "Yeah, so who opened a digi port to our world ?" Kari and Ken asked. "That doesn't matter, what matter is we take this guy out and go to the digital world, to meet up those digidestined." Gatomon took charge. "Right !" Biyomon added. "Let's go !". "According to my laptop, this digimon is nearby and heading our way" Izzy says. "Than let's go guys !" Davis stood up and everyome followed his gesture, Tai nodded on acceptance. They made it out side and looked around. "There he goes !" Gomamon pointed above. "Hahahahaha ! Digidestined, you have a bounty on your head." The creepy digimon laughed. "And you are ?" Davis asked. "I'm Reapermon, Mega level, and I'll rip you apart with my Grim Slasher, Burning Cyclone, and Bone Duster." He introduced. "He's right !" Izzy checked his laptop for him data. "And if you think your going threw this digi port, your utterly wrong" he slammed his left arm into the building he was on, making large clunks of concrete fall. "Augh, we don't have time for this..." Davis frowned. "Veemon !" He shouted. Tai and Matt looked at each other and nodded. "Wait, we'll take over from here..." Tai says. "Yeah, we'll hold the fort here and meet up with you guys after we take care of him" Matt nodded. "Huh ?" Ken. "But Tai, Matt we can work together and take him out and leave here together !" TK says. "Yeah !" Kari says with a consired look. Sora looked at the rest of the original and nodded. "Listen, TK and Kari remember the time when we was the last to face Piedmon, this is exactly the same circumstances, just go and don't worry !" Sora says. "Yeah don't worry about us ! You have to meet up with the others !" Izzy says. "Yeah, don't forget to tell them we said hey !". "Mimi, Sora.." Yolei says with a considered look. "Yeah, you better get going or we'll never save the world.." Joe says. "Yeah, so go !" Izzy shouted. "Okay... " Cody says, a little worried. "Alright let's go guys !" Davis says, as him and his grouped ran off. "Not so fast.." Reapermon raised his scythe like arm. "Oh no you don't !" Agumon and Gabumon leaped off. "Get em guys !" Matt yelled as he and Tai digivice changed to there alternate colors.

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